Vinorelbine Forums

Recently active Vinorelbine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Vinorelbine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

Hi I have been recently diagnosed with 2 tumors in my liver from the breast cancer i also have bone mets. I have been commenced on Vinoralbine so far i have had 3 cycles the first cycle i become neutrapenic and spent 5 day's in hospital. The last 2 cycles havent been 2 bad the usual diahorrea tiredness nausea. Has anyone been on this chemo for the same diagnosis as myself if so how many cycles did u have and how effective was it. I am having a scan on the 2nd of Jan to see if i am responding to the chemo fingers crossed. Happy New Year 2 all. ## I am very sorry to hear of your cancer, I know none of the treatments for it are pleasant. And I just wanted to wish you the best of luck! Learn more Vinorelbine details here. Does anyone have experience with this chemotherapy? Can you post ...

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