Urocit-K Forums

Recently active Urocit-K forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Urocit-K and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

Please let me inform about the dosage and indication of the potassium citrate tablet. ## There are actually several doses available, so I can't tell you which one you have on such limited information. Do you have a prescription bottle or are there any markings on the tablet? Potassium is an important nutrient that our bodies need, it helps to regulate heart rate and blood pressure. So, this would be a supplement to help replenish what our bodies need if you are low. Moza contains the active ingredient Mosapride, it is a gastroprokinetic agent that accelerates gastric emptying and is often used to help treat acid reflux and IBS. ## I have had Kidney stones for 20 years. I am on Hydrochlorot 25 mg for my heart/ water retention issues, Nadolol 40 mg and Urocit K 15 two tabs daily. Any ...

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