Does Tramadol Expire (Page 3)


I pulled a muscle in my lower back and am in a lot of pain but am unemployed at the moment and can't afford to see a doctor and fill a new prescription. I found an old bottle of Tramadol HCL 50 MG with an expiration date of 3/22/2007. It has been stored in a cool, dark, dry cabinet all of this time. Does Tramadol HCL become unsafe or lose its potency after its expiration date, especially this long after?

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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Tramadol is safe to give to a dog. You need to know the weight and dosage. My 75 pound dog takes 2 tabs for arthritis

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Y'all are hilarious, pharmaceutical companies are in the business of making money not helping people, the military had done and experiment on there stored meds and found most to be 90 percent potent after expiration date to a tune of up to 60 yes sixty Months .... If it crumbles, is discolored etc toss it but the meds found in testing to become bad first were antibiotics epi pens and rxs for heart and life threatening conditions.... give that a google

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Actually tramadol is prescribed for dogs also, my dog has taken it many times. My vet said it is the same as the human tramadol only different dosage.

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My vet told me I could give my dog my tramadol (off the record ). There is no difference between our meds and theirs just the price.

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Nice derailment of the original topic here from loads of defensive, low IQ, pet owners. The question is about tramadol expiration and potency.

I couldn't care less about how you get your dogs high.

Information about effects of expired tramadol on humans would be useful.

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you really could've have said that any better. It's 4:22 am I haven't slept in the last 24 hours I'm in pain and all these feeds have been the same by getting off track and not providing helpful answers. I'ma say screw it and take this 6 year old pill and hope for the best. Worthless Internet....

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Exactly. Tramadol and aspirin are for dogs...Tylenol is a big no-no. In fact, you need a prescription for tramadol. There are some downsides too, like loss of appetite and irritability.

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I have a bottle of Tramadol Hcl 50mg The expiration date is November 2016 will they be strong enough till 2017 summer if I start them now! I hate to throw them away. I have kept them in a dark park!

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My vet gave my mini dachshund 25 MG human tramadol. She had seizures but he didn't believe it. He said to give her the next dose and see how she does. She had seizures or heart attack, she developed a heart problem and died a few months later from heart attack even though on heart meds. He said it wasn't the tramadol that caused it and I believed him. He gave tramadol to my handicapped 10 lb dog soon after. He had seizures/stroke with first dose and could not get off his side after that. He soon passed away. I WOULD NEVER USE IT FOR ANOTHER PET. My heart aches.

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My Vet prescribed Tramadol for my dog for pain after surgery.

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Tramadol is ALWAYS one of the main pain medication given for dogs. Mine was on 3 tabs,150mg, bid. Dogs cannot have aspirin, or anything with Tylenol or Motrin in it, generic acetaminophen and ibuprofen. THOSE are deadly for canines. Your post was uneducated and you are misinformed. If you don't know the REAL answer, maybe don't respond.

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Good for pain, beware of the less talked about side effects. A good pharmacist can tell you how long you can keep tramadol after purchase. I was on it several years for pain, it really works for pain. But after years of devastating daily multiple hypoglycemia drops, we finally learned it was the tramadol causing my chronic life altering hypoglycemia drops. For those who might have this problem, be careful. Neither the pharmacist or my primary knew it was a problem with this med but in the UK it is known amongst the medical field. Same goes for dogs, it 'can' drop their blood sugars so low so quick that it can cause life altering seizures rendering the dog handicapped or death.

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Actually, Tramadol is often prescribed for canines.

That said, I would NOT recommend giving your dog expired Tramadol. I was never really cautious about expired meds (for MYSELF) until recently. A friend of mine ended up extremely sick - near death - after taking some expired meds. (Don't recall what she had taken. Kind of wish I did. Anyway...)

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Tramadol is fine for a dog in the right dose. The vet gives my dog tramadol for her hip dysplasia and she calls it in to our local pharmacy. They are 50 mg tablets and she takes 3-4 tablets 2-3 times a day. She is a 125 lb Newfie.

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My dog is prescribed Tramdol by our Veterinarian. My close friend's dog lives in another state and sees a totally different vet and their dog is also prescribed Tramdol. Both our dogs have degenerative arthritis and are in chronic pain. It is perfectly okay for dogs to take Tramdol. They both also take Gabapentin. However, it is not wise to give them over the counter pain medications according to my vet. I recommend calling your vet and talking to them about your dog's symptoms and if you have your pet on something long term it is wise to have blood work done so they can monitor the liver.

On a side not giving your dog Tramdol that old isn't going to touch the pain because it truly does loose its potency.

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I have left over tramadol for my dog after surgery but she has arthritis and I want to give it to her... but BUT AFTER READING THIS POST i WILL CALL MY VET

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I would go to another doctor and explain what's going on.they may see something the 1st dr. Missed.

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I have some tramadol that expired two months ago. Lately I've been experiencing some back pain and would like to take it and get some relief, but I'm not sure if it's safe to take?

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Re: Barbara W (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

This is so WRONG! I have been using tramadal for years and now my pain specialist titrated me from 600mg a day done to 300mg a day. Work has been very miserable but I am really trying. Now he wants to put me on Subutex to "detox" me. I just want to work and live a normal life. Is that asking too much?

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Re: Mary Jean (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve experienced that by the end of the month tho potency of the tramadol seems less effective. I wonder if I sometimes get “old pills” at pickup.

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