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if any dangerous disease like cancer ## I have done home pregnancy test twice and it showing that im pregnant.but its impossible. and im taking thyronomes 30mg for more tham there any connection dabout thyronomes and this pregnancy test. By the way its not a blood test. please reply..

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Need a dr that will prescribe oxy or something just as strong. Most doc's in the area won't because of all the junkies in bmore. ## i don't know if you are still looking in the annapolis area? try dr william tham in annapolis or dr. jackie syme in gambrills. i know they will help and dr syme does self pay. i am looking myself for a new doctor in or around the annapolis area i am not happy with the doctor my new primary care sent me. need help quick because my primary is only going to write until dec 31. practice change policy and they are not going to write for pain need to go to pain doctor. i need to find a doctor that will write for more than most people ask. i have been on pain meds for 10 years bcs of multiple accidents,disc disease, 3 shot disc and 2 really bad with ot...

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Only half of pill found in sons pocket. Only partial imprint visible but can't make out. Looks like part of script 3 with only (flattened) upper part or weird top of m with left side narrower tham right side, if looked at different angle. ## It seems like your son got ahold of some Ecstasy. If it disolves easily thats more than likly what it is.

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white oblong pill with KOS on one side and 500 on the other side ## what does sankyo c15 do for a man why does people take sankyo c15 for anyways is it so thay can have better sex with there girlfriend or what what does it to to tham? ## KOS 500 contains 500mgs of Niacin, used to help lower cholesterol or treat a deficiency. ## Sankyo C15 contains 40mgs of Olmesartan, a generic for Benicar. This is used to help lower blood pressure.

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