Stay Alert Forums

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The HSI website is SOOOOO...classically laid out in the 'push' format that doesn't let you see where' its going until you get to "Order Now." I have no genuine knowledge about what they're selling or saying - in terms of validity - but I can definitively state this: Whenever I've seen a website set up like HSI's (usually its for financial services of some sort), it's been designed to lure people into making impulse purchases. The method used is always the same. The site discusses case after case from semi-anonymous testimony givers, indicating great success, but almost always using only initials or first names. Another indication is when the price of the product(s) is unusually high, but bears no reason for being so (except, perhaps amassing a fut...

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artvigil 150mg. required due to groggyness in the morning.the medication helps me to stay alert all day and has been suggested by usa physician. ## Hi george, Glad to hear that Artvigil has been helping to reduce the morning grogginess. Grogginess seems to be a fairly common trait in the morning hours, and I'd imagine that some portion of it is related to the quality of sleep we get at night, what kind of nutrients our bodies need more of, or our general mindset as we intend to get started with our day... However reading your post has made me even more curious to understand how medications like Artvigil (Armodafinil) might "feel" in relationship to other stimulants such as caffeine, ginseng, or even a that jolt of energy from being excited for the upcoming day? Any thoughts ...

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