Sandoz Adderall Reviews (Page 6)


Sandoz is the best generic ir adderall I've used. August 11, 2017 I was told by the pharmacist they no longer produce this product. I asked if brand name was available and was told yes. When I received them I noticed they were made by Teva and let me tell you they are awful. I don't know what to do if I can't find a decent generic brand.

130 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Lv4art (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, what the hell have they done to ADHD drugs to make them feel like cold medicine?

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So I’ve been on adderall 30mg 2x a day for over 19 years now and had great results on Corepharma and Sandoz generics. Now I can’t seem to find either brand anywhere. Does anyone know of any pharmacies that carry either of those brands in the DC / Maryland / Virginia area?

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Re: Di (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have tried every generic, and although Teva sometimes inconsistent, please believe me that it is better than the alternatives.

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Has anybody had a bad reaction to the latest generic Adderall by Sandoz 30mg? I picked up my meds last week and not long after taking them I felt really unwell as if I'd been poisoned...completely wiped out, aching heavy body, clumsy, clogged with thick mucus, tired sore eyes and bad mood. I called the pharmacist and mentioned my bad reaction and he said Sandoz changed the meds a couple of months ago and that pills are slightly smaller but the same ingredients. I beg to differ and would like to hear if anybody else has noticed a difference?

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Although Teva can be hit and miss, out of all the other generics, Teva is the best.

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Re: Low Energy (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

What pharmacy do people fill Sandoz at? I haven’t seen it for a while.

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Re: Grant (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

What's your location? I think I can help you

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Re: Low Energy (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Yes! I take 20mg IR and it is completely different. I'm having horrible migraines and feel nauseated all day. I feel like I'm taking medication to literally become physically sick because this is doing nothing to treat my ADD symptoms!

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Re: Low Energy (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely noticed a difference. I hadn't taken Sandoz since June 2020 until Pharmacy ran out of Teva and gave it to me on June 1st this year. Not only is it a different shape and color pill, it Absolutely is different. It's the non active fillers/binders in these generics which are different from one to another. Pharmacist tell you they're all the same are complete Liars!! They have 20% ingredients that can vary. For instance, I had my paperwork from my previous Rx. from 2020. The NDC code was 00185-0864-01. That is the pill pictured when you look up E404. This recent pill has different NDC, 0185-2099-01. This indicates a FORMULA change. I took the time to do the research and it's ridiculous!! Big Pharma is making mad $ off of legitimate people who are getting sick due to these fillers and nothing is being done. Let's not even start on the Opioid "crisis".....***

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Re: Low Energy (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

I actually found this website in my hunt for someone else who thinks Sandoz changed their recipe somewhere around the beginning of this year (2022). I've been taking generic Adderall since February 2020.

I started out talking 10mg Sandoz brand amphetamine salts IR 2x's a day. It helped but not quite enough so my Dr raised my dosage to 15mg twice daily. My pharmacy doesn't carry 15's in Sandoz so gave me Lannet brand which hit me like a truck. Took me 3 days in physical and mental hell to figure out it was the pills. They swapped those devil pills out for my 10mg Sandoz which i take 1.5 of each dose now. For the past 9 months or so i was going along ok getting about as much benefit as expected without many side effects. But since February of this year I've noticed a major difference. I'm not getting the medicinal effects i was previously getting, my memory has gotten incredibly worse and most recently I keep developing tics. The pills look the same as far as color and shape. But I swear something is very very different about them. I'm not sure what to do? After the absolutely TERRIBLE experience I had with the Lannet ones I'm afraid to try a different brand, but this isn't working.

I was going to ask my Dr if he could try to prescribe me the name brand ones but from what I've read it seems there is no name brand one anymore which I don't understand at all. Why would no one produce it??

If anyone else has noticed a difference in the Sandoz 10mg IR pills please let me know. I'd really like to verify I'm not imagining it.

Thank you.

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Re: Stasia (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

I’m having the same experience. Any luck finding one that measures up to the original Sandoz? I’m curious.

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Re: Joe (# 107) Expand Referenced Message

Hi grant I’d love your help. I’m having the same problem.

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Re: Neil (# 111) Expand Referenced Message

I'm currently trying the Teva brand this month. Imo they don't work quite as good as the Sandoz used to but they are close. And no unwanted side effects so that's a huge plus!

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Re: Jessie (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

That U31 pill that was crap is Aurobindo / Aurolife. Took 140mg today (no exageration) and not as good as the 50 mg I would take on average of my regular brand

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Re: Smitty (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

You can say that again! I have thought the same thing. The documentary The Pharmacist was about the opioid crisis.
I’ve taken this for many years, after my arguments against it. Although I had no clue what adderral even was! I finally agreed and found myself calling to thank my doctor for continuing to suggest it. I wouldn’t take anything because I didn’t want to feel different and zombied. When you have narcolepsy or an various reasons for a legitimate prescription, YOU NEED IT TO WORK! Especially after it does work because, then without it, the truth is you feel like someone or something else. Not even as you felt before you started taking it. It is literally hell on earth.
Trust me or don’t-whomever wants to argue…don’t! Sit down and shut up until you yourself have had the exact experience than any one of these valid people make. You cannot possibly begin to understand.
I am aware of the definition of addiction and call it what you want; IT IS NOT A CHOICE. It is a choice I personally argued against and suffered even longer because of it. If your body am does not produce certain chemicals or what it needs to function, your choice is to choose it and LIVE or you’re not a person at all.

Only someone who’s had the struggle can realize this.
And for pharmaceutical companies to have shortages or alter formulas on this or any other medication that is vital to function is beyond dangerous. My level of fury over chasing down Teva is insane. It isn’t the same. A lot of medications, you’d never know they difference. And some you do. It doesn’t surprise me, as I’ve always said they don’t care about a cure to anything that has a profit. I’m sorry, but it’s true. They are profiting so CAN WE JUST LIVE!

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Those are the same to manufacturers that made the only IR generic adderall that worked for me, until Sandoz changed their formula this year and Corepharma was sold.

Since Sandoz changed the formula of their immediate release, generic adderall, it no longer works for me. I have narcolepsy and idiopathichypersomnia and need my medication to work. I URGE you to report it to the FDA ASAP.

We can't get these pharmaceutical companies to stop messing with our meds if we keep our heads down and keep the conversation among the general population - we need to make some noise!

For everyone experiencing the new IR Sandoz adderall formula not working, PLEASE report it to the FDA. "Voluntary reports are essential for ensuring the continued safety of FDA-regulated products. One or two well documented case reports may provide an early signal of unexpected problems and lead to additional evaluation. This may result in FDA regulatory actions that improve the safety of the products used in patient care each day."

This is the link to report adverse side effects:

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Hi. So pretty much I have been taking ADHD meds since 5, switched to Adderall when I was 11 and took the brand name until insurance no longer covered it. The only one that worked half way decent was Sandoz. Last month, they stopped filling the Sandoz order because of the shortage and have been supplying me with other MFR and they have giving me bizarre side effects and are barely effective. I am completely losing my mind without it and I can't even do my normal day to day.

Anyway, does anyone know roughly how long this will be? Is it kind of like a permanent thing?

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Raquel (# 117) Expand Referenced Message

I feel your pain. I used to take whatever generic amphetamine that was prescribed. When I moved and changed my pharmacy I was given Sandoz. All other generics suck. The reason people are having nausea, drowsiness, lethargy is because the other meds are basically a placebo. Basically taking these meds have very little bunk amphetamine in them. So they are not causing side effects. Rather a person is going withdrawals. Especially Teva. A person is better off with no medication at all in this situation. Been waiting nearly two months without medicine since the shortage. Have been offered to Alvogen, Teva, Epic and many others. They all absolutely are trash. Taking Sudafed in the mean time to help with withdrawals.

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Re: Low Energy (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Not only do they Not work I got bad muscle spasms just had an operation on my stomach it was so painful and my heads been killing me I had to stop taking them I need to get some thing else I’m bringing them to my next doctors appointment they’re poison

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Re: Unmedicated ADHD (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

Got the same affects it’s poison

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