Rapaflo Forums

Recently active Rapaflo forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Rapaflo and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I started taking Rapaflo several weeks ago. I have had what I thought was sinus congestion and sore throat. I called my general doctor for antibiotics and only got worse. Throat very sore. I am going off the med for a few days to see if the sore throat and stuffy nose improves. I will see my urologist soon and we will discuss everything in person. Also, I do have only one kidney that is not healthy so I'm thinking he should not have prescribed Rapaflo based on what I read here. ## Why were you prescribed Rapaflo? It contains the active ingredient Silodosin, which is used to treat urinary retention that is caused by BPH. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and increased urination. Why do you only have one kidney? What antibiotic w...

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My husband was waking up frequently in the night to go to the bathroom, and his urologist put him on Rapaflo. Within two weeks, he was having extended nose bleeds, and finally, during an especially bad bleed, he had a ruptured aneurysm inside his eyeball. He takes very little medication (1/2 of a Bystolic) every night and a baby aspirin. Of course, his doctor immediately discontinued the Rapaflo, but I'm interested as to whether anyone else has had this dramatic an event. He's never had any of these types of reaction before, not even nosebleeds in 80 years. ## This medication is commonly used to treat prostate issues that cause increased urination, but this is not listed among its side effects, according to FDA reports. They typically include nausea, dizziness, insomnia, and ort...

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I just started using Rapaflo and my nose is almost completely closed off. I can't sleep. Does this side effect wear off after a few days ## Yes--suddenly very soon after taking rapaflo in the evening my nose becomes very congested and I have trouble breathing and sleeping. I am also severely constipated. Not good! ## Most side effects take several weeks to wear off, as your body gets used to a medication. If it's that troublesome that you're losing sleep, you may want to talk to your doctor about something you can use to alleviate this symptom. You can learn more Rapaflo details here. Has anyone else experienced this odd side effect? ## Yes, I have experienced the same stuffy nose problem too; it seems to happen within an hour of my evening dose. Of course it makes breathing...

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How long does it take for your body to resume back to normal after taking rapaflo 8mg for 2 years? I have quit taking the drug and would like to know how long does it take for your body to filter out this drug. Thank you for your time. Jim ## Hello, Jim! How are you? The medication itself will process out within a day or two of stopping it. However, after taking it for 2 years, it may a month or so, for any lingering effects to wear off and for your body to start feeling more normal. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Could Rapaflo be used by a person using narcotic (opiate) pain medicine to pass a urine drug test for opiates? ## Even though Rapaflo (silodosin) is used to improve urination in men, the length of time following drug use for which a positive result may occur is dependent upon several factors including the frequency and amount of usage, metabolic rate, excretion rate, drug half-life, and the drug user’s age, weight, activity, and diet. So yes, it may help with the excretion rate, but that is just one of many factors you'd have to take into account when detoxing your system. Depending on when your drug test is you could have plenty of time for an increased exercise regime and a change in dietary habits if that is an issue. Hope this helps!

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