Raloxifene Forums

Recently active Raloxifene forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Raloxifene and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

little white oval tablet with lilly 4165 printed on it. ## found it in my home would like to know the purpose of it is ## I, too, found a Lilly 4165 in my office. What is it? ## found drug in bathroom at work what is it for ## Raloxifen - 60mg, usually used to treat breast cancer, it blocks the effects of estrogen on breast tissue and/or other tissues with estrogen receptors. Belongs to a group of drugs called SERMs; Select Estrogen Receptor Modulators. But by modulate they really mean it antagonizes the receptor site. ## That is correct, this is 60mgs of Raloxifene, a generic for Evista. It does have other uses, though, one of which is to help prevent Osteoperosis. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, hot flashes, leg cramps and blood clots. You can read more about thi...

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