Plegridy Forums

Recently active Plegridy forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Plegridy and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

I took it last night and feel like I did the 1st few months I took Avonex - a little nauseous, achy, cold, etc. Hopefully, these side effects will decrease after a few months like they did with the Avonex, as I like the SQ and every 2 week administration. ## Most side effects do improve with time, as your body gets used to a medication. Have you experience any new ones? The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including redness and irritation at the administration site, flu-like symptoms and tiredness. Is anyone else on this that can chime in? ## I tried Avonex and it made me feal so bad I couldn't get out of bed then I was put on Copaxon it was so much better then they made the dose stonger and I only have to take them 3 times a week I am so grateful I really don't li...

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Has anyone been on Plegridy yet? Would really like to hear how people are doing on it and what kinds of side effects are going on? ## Hello, Courtney! How are you? Has your doctor recommend this for you? Plegridy is listed by the FDA as being Peginterferon Beta-1a, it's used to treat relapsing MS. It was approved in August of this year, 2014. According to the Plegridy website, evaluation studied showed the most common side effects as being administration site reactions, congestive heart failure, decreased white blood cells and seizures. Has anyone taken this, yet?

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