Please Help - I'm Falling And Don't See Any Help In My Future (Page 2)


I'm a 50 yr old grandma with end stage renal failure! With that being said I also have chronic pain, slipped disc, a bulging disc, neuropathy, severe nerve damage in my neck and down my shoulder, severe hip pain in not just one but both hips now. I have been on pain meds for about 15 yrs....And always feel like I'm being judged every time I walk in the doctor's office! I figured I would change docs and started with a new clinic. The first few months was ok I guess...Then whammmy, he said I'm discharging you at this time because you came back with a positive drug panel for "6 mam" which I have learned is heroin! I have not ever seen nor do I have a desire to see it or do it!!! But now I am without a doc and my meds have run out. I stretched what I had for as long as I could! Now I'm kinda freaking out! I'm in severe pain, I'm a damn basket case (crying at the drop of a hat) just really depressed and lost! I'm always in pain anyway but my medicine made it easier for me to deal with it! I dont know what to do and need help fast!!!!

49 Replies (3 Pages)

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I am NOT going to talk about me. 1. Call a suicide hotline. You are very close to the edge and you need someone to talk to. 2. Try to get OFF the pain pills. When you take pain pills for long periods of time, they stop working and a needle prick feels like you've been stabbed. It's a vicious cycle. Increase your magnesium intake. Magnesium helps reduce pain. Make sure you get at least 100% of the recommended dose. 3. Red flags go up with doctors when you change a lot. Find a referral service and get a FINAL doctor. 3. Be patient with yourself. It is depressing to be in constant pain and you don't feel like starting over with a new doctor. Pat yourself on the back for surviving. Finally - if you didn't take heroin - find out how you could have gotten a false+. If you did, you better quit before you go to a new doctor. Many states require the testing.

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I think you need a pain management dr. Or clinic. It depends on what state you live in. I believe Florida is much more lienient. You need help and I hope your nephrologist can help you find a dr. You shouldn't have to suffer.

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Djangel, I don't know about a lot of what you have going on, but it shouldn't be all that difficult to resolve your constipation, although it may take some time based on your description. Unfortunately, a lot of the medicines that do really good things for us sometimes have side effects like constipation that's just one more thing to deal with. My husband has had terrible, terrible trouble with constipation caused by medicines he has to take. He has compared trying to have a bowel movement with giving birth. I felt really sorry for him because he suffered with this for such a long time, trying all kinds of remedies that didn't ever give him much relief. There is a product on the market that worked miracles for him. You may want to give it a try, it's called Miralax. For someone that's as backed up as you, it may need to be used once a day every day until bowel movements begin to happen. By the way, a doctor just told us it is safe enough to use every day if needed, but certainly verify that with your own doctor. After bowel movements begin, you can reduce the frequency of using it to every other day or less often depending on how you are responding to it. If your constipation is caused by medicines you have to take, you'll probably need to continue to take it two or three times a week, again that will depend entirely how your body responds. I don't know why you have the problem, so I suppose it's even possible that once you get things moving again, you may not need to use anything at all. I sure hope that's the case so you don't have to continue suffering through this. I know it's terribly uncomfortable. Good luck.

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Djangel, you stated that the mass in your intestine was "poop", so that is why I told you about the Miralax. Just to be on the safe side, you should probably speak to your primary physician or the doctor that's going to perform your colonoscopy before you use anything they haven't been told about. I doubt they'll have a problem with you using the Miralax, but just be safe and speak to one of them before using it.

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The Lost Yankee, I'm so sorry the doctor makes you feel like you're being judged. I've been there and it's an awful feeling. Anyone that knows me would tell you I am one of the nicest, most honest, and reliable people you would ever meet. Everything I've seen, heard, or personally experienced indicates that often pain management doctors behave that way. It almost seems like some that are normal, decent doctors go through a change when they become pain management doctors and they forget to treat their patients as humans who are suffering. Pethaps it's because they have other patients that see them just to get drugs and will tell them every in the book to get what they want. I know that must make doctors more watchful of such things, but it doesn't mean they need to treat every other patient worse than anyone would treat an animal. The way I see it, they should have your medical history, including labs, xrays, etc. and if that medical history clearly shows reasons that you mat be in pain, they should treat you with respect and trust you unless and until you give them reason not to. Anyway, I noticed you mentioned a lot of things that are wrong with you, but you never mentioned if you're receiving any treatment for these conditions. You mentioned, for instance, that you have neuropathy and that your legs hurt which is not unusual with renal failure. Has the doctor ever prescribed Neurontin (Gabapentin), a drug that gives many people a great deal of relief from this condition? And your severe hip pain, has your doctor checked to see if it may just be a case of bursitis? It would only take the doctor pressing certain places on your hip to see if it causes pain and where it causes pain. If bursitis is the problem, an injection of cortisone into the bursa will often provide complete relief for an extended period of time and it's usually done right at your primary care doctor's office. I don't really expect you to answer these questions unless you want to. I'm just trying to point out a few things that may help to reduce some of the pain you're experiencing. Good luck to you, Yank. You have more to contend with than most of us could handle. God bless you.

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My dear, you have truly let yourself slip into a world of pain... Meds will never help you, Meds don't serve to mitigate your problems, but assist them in living in you forever. Seek out a yoga teacher who specializes in physical diagnosis. He/she will tell you that your symptoms are only chronic as long as you let them be. The solution to all of your problems and pain is the physical distortion that you have allowed you to become by being too lazy to get out and heal yourself through the practice of proper diet and physical balance. Both are hard work, take time, but will yield real gains that are the practical solutions that will free your physical self and mental outlook. Check yourself every time you make an old persons noise - you are not old, you are only 50, forget useless drugs now and go change yourself.

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File a medical malpractice suit against them for endangering your well-being based on false information. See a malpractice attorney - they move pretty fast because they want to earn their $$$ asap. Also, since you can't see your pain physician for help with your pain, find out if you can legally obtain what you need through other means.

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Have you checked into Kratom? It is a plant that is a painkiller. It is legal in most states but not all. It's easy to find out just by googling your state and Kratom. Most people on it have chronic pain and were either forced off their meds for one reason or another BUT also a lot are people so scared of losing their meds they switched to Kratom on their own to get off the roller coaster ride in the medical community right now. There are a lot of great success stories out there with Kratom for chronic pain. If you haven't already checked it out, at least read up on it. Hope this gives you hope that there is another option. Good luck to you!

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suzanne, yes i get treatment for depression, i haave dialysis days days a week,4 blood transfusions because i am bleeding internally.
many years ago i saw an ortho doctor and they have given me injections but it never lasted long ..(pain ctr--gave me injections and the only thing i got from that was more pain) as well as a that pretty says it all--
and yes doctors have changed over the years- because my mom was very sick and all of her doctors were great to her right till the end!!

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Dear Robb, I hate to say anything, but you sir/ma'am do not know what you speak of. I don't know if you are an ***** or if you have been lucky enough not to have truly physically suffered. I will pray that your ignorance will never hurt someone.

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Anytime the government gets involved everything turns to s***. Keep your hand out of my medication which I need for RSD a nerve problem that causes me severe pain and there is NO cure.

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I have had both hips replaced, my knee is nest, hen my back needs a fusion operation. I had five reconstructive surgeries over a twenty-five year period. I have problems with my my spine and bulging discs and was told by the "pain doctor" Someday soon I will need a fusion. ,I have had bone spurs removed from yhe heals on both feet anf I am in coinstant pain. I the Government takes away my only way of functiioning (pain medication) I will be forced to go to he streets for pain releif. These people play God and I am fed up and have taken all the bull#### I am going to take. What are we supposed to do? All my above mentioned medical ailments are documented with MRIs and x-rays. I have had about all the crap I am going to take from our Politicians who play God and get what ever they ask for (pain medication) legal amphetamines etc. It's time for a big change in this "land of the the free" You tell me what to do!

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The Lost Yankee, Michael H......"You tell me what to do!" As i recommended below, legitimate patients denied pain meds by the medical profession or the government ought to barrage their state and fed political reps with requests for action/relief. There must be people or some group(s) currently involved with doing just that - or who would adopt the issue and run with it. If there isn't, then you folks are well qualified to start the is to your direct benefit and would be time well spent!

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Michael- i am sorry to hear about all that you are going thru!!i kno its not easy, to add NO meds on top of all that! i kno the meds may not take away all the pain but it defiantely helps take the edge off and allows me to function somewhat!...yes, as far as the government it sux! they will treat me as a drug addict, but not for pain! (which I have documentation to support my problems! we live in a messed up society! rather treat a drug addict than someone in pain, (which it is the drug addicts fault for ALL THESE RULES AND LAWS regaurding pain medicine..... I hope you can get help soon! Many prayers sent you way!

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First let me address the the suicide comment. I'M NOT SUICIDAL, I'M IN PAIN!!! And NO I didn't just shop around for doctors, as I was with my last doctor for about 6 yrs!! Yes I finally had another doctor confirm what I had been saying about the false+. I had been put on a new medicine, which the heroin is derived from and he said if it had been him he would have gone for blood work, not just discharged me!! And unless you have chronic pain and severe nerve damage you shouldn't judge me!!

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Yank, God bless you, you're going through way more than most of us could ever handle. If that pain doctor had your medical records, he had to know the kind of pain you've been experiencing, and for him to even consider dropping you is unconscionable no matter what your test results said. It's not unusual for tests to come back with false+ or false negatives. Since you told him that you had never even seen heroin before (quite emphatically, I'm sure), he had the choice of performing the test again to make sure the heroin wasn't a false+ or send you to have blood work done. He didn't need to treat you like he did. I believe I read one of your posts that said the lab had been giving out incorrect test results and the doctor was providing you with a supply of your pain meds. Are you going to stick with that doctor for the time being or have you found someone else (I hope)? My big concern is with the opiate laws changing, it may be harder to find a new pain doctor. It would be helpful if your primary care doctor could give you a list of pain doctors that he could refer you to. It may give you a better chance if you can say your doctor referred you. Also, if you haven't done it already, you may want to let your primary care doctor know what happened with the pain doctor and the lab. It's possible your primary will help you out until you find another pain doctor, that is, if you're still looking. Even with the law changes, I'm sure some states do not specifically require you to see a pain doctor and some primary care doctors will take in a limited number of pain patients. My primary care doctor does, maybe because I've been seeing him for years. Perhaps yours will consider it. Beyond issues with your pain meds, I hope if you happen to have reason to go to see your primary care doctor, you will consider asking him to give you something to help your neuropathy. The drug they normally give is Neurontin (generic is Gabapentin) and also ask him to check your hips to see if you have bursitis and if you do, give you a cortisone inj. into the bursa. He should be able to do all of this right in his office. By the way, this inj. is entirely different than any you may have received in your neck or back. It's really no worse than getting a flu shot, maybe not even that bad. At least that is likely to reduce at least some of your pain. I've had bursitis in both of my hips probably four or five times and the shots knocked out that pain completely each and every time. Before I go, do you mind telling me what state you live in? God bless you, Yank. It truly breaks my heart thinking about what you must be going through. You'll be in my prayers.

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I completely agree yankee. This should not be a place for judgement. We come here to ask for help. I wish the administrators would remove comments that are hurtful or shameful. I understand extreme pain and also understand doctors who don't know what they are prescribing or how it will show in a drug panel. I sincerely hope life has gotten better for you. These new laws on pain medicine have been hard for most of us and we certainly don't need other pain patients judging our comments. It would be a lie for any pain patient to say they want their pain to stop at any cost sometimes. That doesn't make us suicidal, most of us don't want to die, but the pain gets so bad we just wish it would go away. God bless and good luck.

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Also especially for Robb, I will pray you never know the pain most of us are speaking of and a condition that will never heal. I hope yoga can one day give me a new pancreas. I'll also pray your heart to open up. It isn't proper to speak to people the way you have, judging them without even knowing them. Also it would be wise for others here not to make psychological assessments of others. I have been in desperate pain before and not been suicidal. Coming off pain medication changes your mood it doesn't mean you are going to kill yourself. We are all free to do what we like with our own bodies supposedly. I sign every petition I see and call my senators to help those of us in pain. We are not addicts. Being physically addicted is not the same as mentally. I am 36 years old and live everyday in great pain that exercise isn't going to change. I live the best way I know how and will do what needs to be done to survive. I see a pain specialist who happens to be very kind and understanding even within the new laws. I am glad their are people with real compassion. Hard to find sometimes but they are out there. I wish the very best for everyone who comes here for help.

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I would do anything in the world to help you!!! I know what your feeling, I JUST went through the same thing!!! I have different problems, but my Dr. said my urine test came back with NONE of my medicine in it, it had some one else's in it!!! The lab HAD to get them mixed up! I am a 57 year old grandmother, with chronic pancreatitiis, among MANY other problem's. I have now been taken off ALL my med's, I can not even find another pain management doctor to see me!!! I am now in a wheel chair, can not walk, (TOO MUCH PAIN) sleep in a recliner, too many things to even go into at this time! I have ANOTHER surgery for my major nerve damage in my right arm in 10 day's, ALL DUE TO A MIX UP AT THE LAB!!! I have seen this doctor for the past at least 6 year's, he gave me hope, he did help me at least deal with all the pain, now I am ready to give up! If I have to live in this much pain, I just can not do it, it is unbearable!!! NO ONE EVEN CARE'S, OR WILL HELP ME. I am from Ohio, I do not know where you are from but I WISH YOU ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD AND MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU! I wish I could tell you how to get a hold of me, at least we could talk! I will e-mail again soon, if I can! Theses pain doctors think they are God I guess, they don't realize what they are doing to people's life's! THEY ARE DESTROYING WHAT LITTLE LIFE THEY HAVE LEFT AT ALL!!! The only thing I know about myself is, I can not go on like I am now, it's just not worth it. I 100% believe in God, but I have a feeling, I won't be meeting him!!! God Bless you and your family and my prayers are with you!!!

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Pam please do not give up. I am praying for you. I like you can not get a prescription for pain medication and I suffer from RSD an incurable nerve pain from multiple surgeries. My docs hands were tied (so he said) because of the new regulations on pain meds. He said we have the people on heroin to thank for us not being able to get our meds. They put us all in a group the ones dying of heroin od are put with people with valid scripts. It makes no sense I have been to two pain clinics the second one I called to get an appointment the clerk answered the phone and told me "we don't hand out pills here". I had not even said anything and was greeted that way. I live in Michigan and am trying desperately to find someone to help me. If I succeed I will find out if they know of a pain clinic in Ohio to help you. Please keep me posted and I will try to find you and I some help. God Bless you

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