Pill Ids - Bmp 140, Gd Agb And Gd 60


Cleaning out an old cabinet from a relative and found some pills from the days where it seems labeling wasn't a big thing so maybe some of you might know.

First, an orange and brown capsule simply labeled "BMP 140" on each side of the capsule.

Second, a red-coated tablet which either has 60, or GD (I'm not sure) with agb underneath it. Blank on the other side. I searched and 60 abg is what came up (says its morphine but the letters don't match).

The next is the same type of logo (gd, 60?) with add right under it. It's grey coated as well.

I have still never found out what my pink capsules labeled "pfizer 50" were, even after calling pfizer.

I'm open to any clues you might offer.

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