Pgp Marked Large White Oblong Caplet/pill
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Found two of these in sons pocket, what are they?

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They may be valium. I'll post back if I can find a link to the description and picture.

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what a load of bollox jean you haven't a clue.I have these in my pill box (I'm 74yrs old) these pills are either head ache pills or Diabetes pills trouble is i can't remember which.

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Hi jean,

The research I've done leads me to believe that the pill you have is not a prescription medication, but could likely be an illicit drug such as ecstasy. It could also be a medication manufactured outside the United States, or possibly an over the counter product, but it has been difficult to verify 100%. The pill I have been seeing is a white round pill with the imprint PGP; but apparently there are varieties that come as a white capsule. If you cannot have it analyzed then I would recommend that you safely dispose of it.

I hope this helps!

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