Oxycodone's Deathly Issue (Page 4)


I've been using Oxycodone for five years for pain management. I read about all the deaths that were associated with this drug which were being attributed to intentional over medications by patients in order to get high. I discovered by pure accident that there appears to be a major flaw in this pill's ability to consistently breakdown in the human system like it is intended to do, especially in the time release tablet. As the pill fails to breakdown and release it's medication, they begin to build up dangerous levels within the upper gastrointestinal track. They eventually do release into your system, but not when you planned for it, and sometimes many stored pills open at one time and dump into your system all at once. It could look like an intentional overdose to those who don't know about this issue. Has anyone else noticed that sometimes they feel like they never even took their pain pill? Or has anyone else noticed that every once in a while they seem to get super loaded for no known cause every once in a while? I discovered this issue when I went in for a colon test and after six hours of cleaning out my whole system, I began to notice at the very end that about fifteen oxycodone pills, fully intact, began to pass through my system from the upper gastrointestinal tract. The actual test showed that there were still five more left in my upper gastrointestinal tract. Nothing else in my whole system but those pills stuck inside me. I tried to inform the manufacture, but they did not want to hear what I had discovered. Meanwhile, they continue to blame all deaths related to Oxycodone to addicts who purposely took too many pills to get high. User's beware. I like to hear from anyone else who have noticed some of the oddities I've mentioned about this drug, especially if they have a reason to believe they too had a pill build up.

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Hi Ginny and Michael, I found you both by accident earlier and have been reading with vigour, nodding furiously in agreement and thinking to myself Thank God I stumbled onto this site! Iv been on 200mg OxyContin am and pm for last 7yrs also up to 4x10mg daily for breakthrough plus up to 4x30/500s as required daily. I swapped from Fentanyl patches 2x100mg every 72hrs hence the large dose. I got off the 4 quick release myself slowly as they floored me every time. I too have felt at times I had forgotten to medicate due to withdrawal feelings and can totally relate to everything that's been said, Ginny your words re:killing ones motivation felt like someone just hit me with a sledgehammer.....your so right! All this time Iv thought it was me, thankyou Lucy also, your comments.....could be me your talking about I.e., everyone knowing you as a sick person etc., I now know I have to get off these awful mind numbing, soul destroying drugs, I'm not going crazy as I previously thought, they don't dissolve properly since they changed the coating, the 120mgs don't last 12hrs ever and sometimes the 80mgs come out exactly as they went in, totally intact, definitely not as ghost tablets, I know because I have others that do come back out as ghosts or shells as I call them, still intact casing but missing the drug inside. I find that they come back out depending on eating habits and fluid intake, if I eat for eg., bananas, the Oxys simply don't dissolve in the correct time scale. Iv given up on Gabapentin, they cease to work in conjunction with Oxys after Oxy dose goes over 160mgs x2 daily. Iv been doing this regime so long now I'm not capable of taking my meds myself, such are the memory problems, I daren't drive due to blackouts and absences as Topher and Ginny described, Iv thought it was my illness progressing, never did I think the Oxys could be doing this, but then I haven't been thinking straight in 7yrs now Iv only just realised! One other side effect I suffer yet I haven't seen mentioned is the sweating, do or did any of you ever experience the sweats? Mine are so bad I dont go out anymore, such is the embarrassment, it literally runs out of me like a river, it stings my eyes while asleep, when I actually get sleep, which is never longer than 2hrs maximum at a time, yet I'm always exhausted.........thankyou Ginny, Michael and everyone else who posted on this thread, for helping me realise that I so need to get my life back and get off these wretched drugs, you all have given me hope tonight for the first time in a long while I'm looking forward to tomorrow and know I'm not alone, that in itself makes the difference, maybe il even succeed and walk again, I know now that Oxys have taken so much from me, instead of giving me pain relief like they did at the start, they stopped working long ago, my doctor should have warned me what long term side effects there were, instead he kept upping the dose until eventually I stopped caring and gave up on life. It's easier to let pain win sometimes.....not anymore though, tomorrow I'm claiming my life back! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!,

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This happened to me as well. I wound up in the emergency room and was put into ICU for a week because of OxyContin! I have diabetes and I also have diabetic gastroparesis which may or may not have been a factor but there were undigested OxyContin pills inside me which could have killed me. I never took too many at once or took them to feel high. My pain clinic doctor was one who loved the money more than the patient and she would prescribe anything one asked her for. I have chronic back pain so she had me on two OxyContin per day and six oxycodone per day; a total of about 240 mg per day. No one should ever take this much oxy unless they're expected to die in a couple days IMHO! I almost lost my life because of my not knowing and having a greedy doctor. I think it should be a law that all pharmacists must discuss this with every patient taking OxyContin. I had no idea that OxyContin was a time released drug. My doctor didn't tell me nor did my pharmacist. I had an MRI and presented it to my pain clinic doctor who just wrote the scripts and sent me on my way. I was in such pain I just wanted to be in bed. My fault for not asking more questions too. I also think there are lots of folks in chronic pain who are denied this medication because of all the fools out there who abuse it. Always Ask Questions and be careful with Any opiates!

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I thought the title was more in reference with "current events". With so many of us drastically having our oxy's cut way back by law and desperate to get our prescription's filled. I am concerned with not only death, but suicide rates increasing. I have never in 5 decades remotely felt like doing myself in and still don 't. But as a person who has gone from 390mg (120ir) oxy's to 210-220 mgs in an desperate attempt to prepare for the worse I am very worried. Apparently by 2PM I will know what my pharmacy can fill for me. I will be down to 60mg until the end of the month and then who knows. I have early WD problems, watery eyes, yawning, muscle cramps, inability to sleep and the big one PAIN, nerve pain, blazing flames of pain! So I am waiting to see if I will be able to get my medication. If I should not be able to get them, I am being ask by family and friends"What will you do?" The only answer I have ever been given is suboxone which takes care of WD's, but does nothing for pain. Or head to hospital to check in for the WD's. My husband has talked with pharmacy and Dr. and admits he has no clue, surely they have a plan for people being forced off medication!?! All I could say was "SURPRISE!" I have made my way through the PDS, NSID kill my stomach, patches did not release evenly. Tramadol worked at one time. I'm anxious and very confused.

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Thank you for this valuable information.

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Who made the pills that you took?

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I noticed that sometimes I don't feel as much and other times too much.i am on immediate release.been on them for almost three years.

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Just in case someone else finds this years old discussion... tolerance means a lot with opioids. I've worked down from 30 mg MS Contin 2x/day, up to 75 mg immediate release MS per day so a total of 105 mg morphine possible as the highest morphine equivalent. I'm now to 10 mg ER, 15 mg IR

I wouldn't take the levels of dkludid I took after surgery

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How is that possible if you have a bowel movement every day?

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I think u should have kept that either to yourself. Not to be mean. But opiate addicts are gonna go crazy over the info.

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