Not Yet Adjusting To Contrave


Into my second month on contrave. I have experienced every side effect. Irritable, ringing ears, vomiting, lack of libido ect..ect. I have lost weight but at a high price. I hope hope hope my body will adjust to this torture.

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You should try Belviq, it has a much friendlier side effect profile

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I'm not sure how long it's supposed to take for your body to adjust to the effects of Contrave, but after two months of it not working as expected I'd be hard pressed to expect anything different out of it. That's just me though. I realize some medications such as birth control can also take a long time to become fully effective as well; and if that is the case with Contrave this may just be an extended waiting game. However, on the other hand - if the side effects aren't worth the benefits you receive, be sure to let your doctor know so that he/she may consider letting you try other alternatives like Belviq.

Have you also given thought to other means of losing weight? (i.e. changes in diet or exercise habits)?

I hope this helps!

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Don't try Belviq, it doesn't work and has potential for addiction!!! Not to mention it cost over $200 a month, I can not afford that!!

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Reporting again on side effects taking Contrave - have lost 8lbs. Saw Dr and he was pleased with results. So strange how the medication eliminates interest or cravings for foods. I guess this means my food issues are truly addiction issues. The side effects have calmed down although i still feel all of the above but far less intensity. I'll keep you posted.. 50 pounds to lose.

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Dear David, Gee, have i tried diet and exercise? Yeah David I have. Great advise tho

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I can appreciate the sarcasm in post #5 as diet and exercise are common sense to most people trying to lose weight, but without seeing information stating that you've tried other things in your post, it seemed like a question that should be asked in the midst of someone experiencing undesirable side effects. You'd be surprised how many individuals on here have mentioned going straight to prescription weight loss drugs without exercising or dieting only to find themselves right back where they started.

At any rate, I'm glad to hear that the side effects have calmed down and hope that things only continue to get better with regards to your progress!

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*eye roll to David*

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Watch out with Belviq and Contrave Jody, *eye rolling* may be a common side effect of both. Seriously it actually mentions vision changes and swollen eyes as side effects on

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I'm only in my first week of Contrave. I'm having heat flashes as well as nausia and foggy head. I know the latter is listed on side effects but is anyone dealing with the hot flashes? I'm way past menaopause, so that's not it.
How long does this last?

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@Jojo. Where did you read about birth control taking longer for full effect? I'd like to read more about that.

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Jose, just about everything you wrote is absolutely, completely false. No potential for addiction in fact the opposite. Drug cost no more than $75 with Eisai coupon. Responders lost over 5% of body weight in 12 weeks. Also, improved HBA1C independent of weight loss has been exhibited commonly. Get your facts straight...

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I have been taking Contrave for three months. I've lost about 57lbs, but at a cost. The following side effects are taking its toll on me.....losing my hair, blisters, body twitches and a strange metal taste in my mouth. I will be 56 and not sure if this is worth it. I weight 257 and have more to go but I'm going to stop taking Contrave as I need some normalcy back in my life. Thank you.

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Toby, I was hot flash free too until Contrave. It must have been a side effect that didn't happen to anyone while they were documenting the rest.

And Kelly, does your doctor know about your side effects?? They sound way to severe to continue. You might see if you can split the med out (Naltrexone/bupropion) to see what is causing your reactions. Or try something different. Don't make your life miserable.

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Hi Jody, I never mentioned the birth control thing...maybe David did??? I laughed my butt off with the eye roll comment :)

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Have any of you experienced an early period?

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Has anyone experienced hair thinning or loss while taking contrave? I've been on it for about 6 months now and hair is definitely thinner. Trying to figure out if it's the cause or something else going on.

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yes hair loss, strange smell, shaky tremor, hot flashes been on it for 5 months lost 34 lbs… I am going back to 3 pills a day to see if it helps.. It took me a long time to get through the symptoms when I first started taking it. But they are not as bad but the smell thing and shaking are making me very uncomfortable about this med.

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I ended up weaning myself off the Contrave. Too much hair loss, irritability, ringing in ears, and headaches. Going through the withdrawals was awful! Been off now for 2 weeks so we'll see how that goes. Lost 39 lbs while taking it and have gained 4 lbs back so far.

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Yes!!! A week ago I spotted for a day and now I'm having a heavy period that I'm not support to start for another week

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I just started my second month on contrave (past the titration stage). I have had all of the symptoms above at one time, but not all at once. Ringing in my ears, swollen watery eyes, nausea, cold sores in my mouth, little bit of the shakes, and taste differences. None of them were severe or debilitating; just inconvenient.

I've lost 21 pounds so far. Contrave has almost completely knocked out my appetite for grease. I can go by a Wendy's now without stopping. I'm type 2 diabetic, so I gave up sugar years ago. But I didn't give up fat nor grease. Not only am I using Contrave but I'm also using some other tools.

1. Scaledown (free scale and 3 months of service with contrave prescription).
2. Calorcount (caloriecount) It's pretty awesome for looking at what you eat. Getting an "A" means you have to eat within the daily recommended allowance for fat, protein, and carbs.
3. Workout - I workout about 3 times a week.

In all fairness, I was working out before, but I had a bad diet. Contrave *Does* have several side effects, but IMO, it's been worth it for me to kick the habbit of bad food. My hopes are when I reach my target weight to titrate off and keep all the good eating habits I developed.

Contrave will not do it for you, IMO. If it did everything for you, when you came off, you'd gain all the weight back. Somethings I must do for myself.

For any that are experiencing side effects, call your doctor and make sure that they are aware. If you can deal with the side effects (mine are just minor inconveniences), Contrave will give you another tool to lose weight.

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Re: Tina (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

hi, did your husband lose hair too or was it just you?

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Re: Melissa (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Melissa, I have been taking for about 3 and i am losing a significant amount of hair? I am worried, does it grow back. I am stopping immediately! Please let me know that it is growing back? Thank you

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Re: maria (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

I lost handfuls in the shower each day. When I finally stopped the medication you could see my scalp and it was especially noticeable at the front of my hairline. It took about 6 months for noticeable re growth and the hair is growing back thinner and oddly wavy.

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Re: buckeye (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on contrave for 6 months and just noticed that my hair is thinning a lot. How much hair loss did you experience?

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Re: Micasso (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

The smell issue and night sweats have been the worst part for me. The smell is like a combination of cigarette smoke and vehicle exhaust. Is your nose back to normal yet?

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Re: Kelly (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Contrave for about 6 months. My hair is falling out in massive amounts! It will not hold color and is very dry/brittle. Contrave has helped with weight loss,but I hate the hair loss problem.

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Yes it has helped with my hairloss. My hair has been growing back in. I take 30,000 units of biotin like my doctor told me to every day. That has really helped me. I have cut back to two a day. One in am one in pm. But for a while I did cut back to one pill in am. But now I did go to one in pm. But I won't do more than that or my hair will start to fall out again. I like how Contrave does help me so I don't want to stop completely.

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Amber- has the extra Biotin and cutting back on contrave helped hairloss? I'd be interested in an update. Thanks!

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Do you o if Belviq works?? I would be interested to see if anyone has tried it

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The foggy head is the worst part. And it does not seem to be getting better.

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