Norco Vs Tramadol


What are the chemical make ups of Norco's vs the chemical make up of Tramadol. I know that Norco has Hydrocodone and Tylenol but do not know what the make up of Tramadol is

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Hello, Rotom! How are you?

Tramadol is the active ingredient, that's the name of the drug itself.

The FDA classifies both of these medications as being narcotic analgesics, which means they carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.

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Yes. With the new laws my health care provider is giving me a drug panel to make sure I am only taking the Norco as prescribed and nothing else. I was concerned because I had recently taken some Tramadol that I had from a while back and thought it may also come up. Any thoughts?

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