Nexito Withdrawal Symptoms Will Gone In How Many Days


Can anyone tell me how many days it will take to rid the withdrawal symptoms of nexito 10mg and agomelatine tablets?..please, it's urgent.

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I have changed from Nexito LS to Nexito. Are there going to be any major withdrawal symptoms? If so, for how long?

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I have been taking nexito for the past year. First, I took nexito 10 mg for 6 months and then 5 mg for 5 months, then 2.5 mg for 10 days and then 2.5 mg on alternate days for 5 days and finally stopped. But one week after withdrawal I am now facing dizziness, difficulty concentrating and jitteriness at times. I'd like to know whether it could be withdrawal symptoms and how to overcome this? How long will these symptoms take to fade away?

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