Lee's Save The Baby Vapor Rub


My grandmother, mother, and myself have used Save The Baby on our children's as a warm chest rub. I would put a T-shirt on them. I have also rubbed it on my husband's and my chest over our lung area front and back then wore a T-shirt to bed. No matter how sick with a cold or congestion we were, we would sleep through the night. What was really great about this chest rub is that it never got you cold. I have used Vick Vapor Rub and it makes your chest cold. Four generations of my family have used Save The Baby Vapor Rub and now that I have grandchildren and greatgrandchildren;one of which has croupey nights, I have searched many Pharmacies around and have been unable to find any. Would it be possible to order it from LEE'S Save the Baby vapor rub?

8 Replies

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Hello, Curly! How are you?

It is available online for ordering from several sites. The FDA does warn that due to the ingredients you should be very careful to make sure children don't swallow it.

Many people have been looking for it, so it seems that someone chose to bring it back to market.

Is anyone else still looking for this?

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What online places can I order Lee's Save the Baby liquid chest rub? The 4 generations using Save the Baby used it warm-chest rub, T-shirt and NEVER had anyone ingest the warm rub.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, we used Save the Baby for 3 generation's and would love to purchase it for my Grandbabies. Thank you to anyone who could get me the web pages.

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Re: Curly (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Ely drugs online store had it. Expensive but that's were I get mine

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

This old Grammy needs Save the Baby for my asthmatic grandson. I have a tiny bit left (from the 50's I think) but need a fresh bottle. Where do I buy it?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I still have the bottled liquid bought just before it became unavailable. Would love to buy either of them.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I am. 5 generations have used this. My children and grands had it used on them. Never internally. Put bottle in a pan of warm water before application, then covered. Used a drop in ears with cotton for earache, worked like a charm.

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Hi! My family uses WATKINS MENTHOLATUM OINTMENT! WATKINS have really awesome products!

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