Kaletra Forums

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I have been having black outs and lying in opp positions for long periods of time the 1st time was 24 hours and my kidneys dried out my createnine was 800 and i needed 3 weeks of dialysis and my muscle CK was 44000, fortunately i made a miraculas recovery and was only in the hospital for 3 weeks. Two months later the same thing happened this time i was lying in a position that i cut of the nerves to my legs do i couldn't walk and the ambulance had to break the door down to get me, my renal function while nit good didn't require dialysis.The neurology Dr's said that my nerves would slowly regenerate themselves with intensive physio. I lice alone and ive been lucky that both falls have been on carpet not in the bathroon or hut my head any where. The cardiologists asked alit of...

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