It's A Miracle!


I just want to say i smoked for 25 years and have tried to quit many times. I've tried patches, hypnosis, gum and cold turkey and never made it. This time I KNOW it's gone for good. I don't even remember i smoked sometimes. I never crave it. It's finally over. Thank you chantix.

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I smoked for 38 years and tried to quit by using other stop smoking aids, but had no success. Eating before taking Chanix eliminates the nausea. I had some dreaming but nothing weird. Chanix is the only thing that has helped me to stop smoking. Those who had suicidal thought and actions, probably already had some underlining mental health problems. I have had restless leg syndrome. You can exercise that away.

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Wow! I am so very glad that it worked for both of you.

Did you experience any of the other possible side effects, which the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, weight changes, constipation, headache, or fatigue?

Ref: Chantix Information

The reason for the warning regarding suicidal ideation is because it has been known to cause it in some people who have not had underlying mental health issues.

How are you both doing, now? Are you still smoke free?

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