How Long To Wait From Opana Er 40 Mg To Suboxone Film


I'm quiting Opana using Suboxone. I've gradually come down from Opana ER 40 mg to 10 mg over a period of 6 months, and am switching today to Suboxone film. Dr told me to wait 24 to 36 hrs before starting Subs (wait till I can't stand the withdrawals any longer). Normally on 10 mg Opana I start to feel withdrawals within 12 hrs, can't get comfortable in my skin, can't sleep, restless leg etc. Problem is I ran out of 10 mg yesterday so the single last Opana I took was an ER 40 mg. It's been 30 hrs and still no noticable withdrawals. I don't want to start the Suboxone until feeling the withdrawals as instructed cause I don't want the Subs to kick in and suddenly block the Opana causing worse withdrawals. How long should I wait?

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There is really no precise time frame that can be given, it all depends on when they withdrawals hit you.

Just as your doctor said, you have to be in full withdrawals, before you start the Suboxone, or as you are already aware, the Naloxone in it can throw you into severe, dangerous withdrawals.


Since you had tapered down and then suddenly took the higher dose one, it is likely to take awhile, before you suddenly start feeling them.

Have you called your doctor to ask their advice?

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donot start taking suboxone!! it is not the wonder drug everyone makes it out to be. it is way harder to come off of than opiots. i have been on it for two years now and i wish every day that i never started it!

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I think I agree, as I've been talking to more and more people, it's amazing how many people you meet that have been through this or similar..., everyone's telling me to, at the most just use it short term to come off the Opana. As it turns out I've been taking it for 2 weeks now but only once a day (was prescribed 8 mg under the tongue twice a day) and have stopped taking it as of this morning. I'm completely clean right now so we'll see if I experience the withdrawls that you and everyone talks about. Hopefully not. i'll let you know. :-)

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I couldn't reach the Dr. but talked to the assistant and she said to go ahead start taking it. So I did after it had been about 40 hrs and I was starting to get that agitated feeling. All turned out OK, started feeling better almost right away, I mean RIGHT AWAY, quite surprising. But started throwing up once or twice a day (not nauseous though until seconds before puking). Main problem now is swollen ankles, kinda severely swollen, been using ice and elevating the legs whenever possible. Anyway, decided to get off the Suboxone, and just make it a short term stepping stone, as per the advice of neighbors and friends who've been through it, so we'll see what happens, last one I took was yesterday morning, so it's been 36 hrs...
Feeling a little puky all of a sudden, so will stop here, but we'll see how it goes, I'll let you know. Later... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... ralph here i come!

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switching from a pure narcotic agonist like oxymorphone the thing to be concerned with is to know how long to wait before initiating buprenorphine. most opioids have a half-life about 2-4 hours with the exception of: oxymorphone-7-13 hrs. oral, methadone-24-96 hrs., levorphanol-6-12hrs. with these you need to wait longer especially if you are using a sustained release version like Opana ER. it is better to convert total daily narcotic dose and convert it to: hydromorphone, morphine sulfate IR, hydrocodone compounds, or demerol (meperidine), or even a codiene compound with asprin or APAP and then convert from the immidiate acting/short half-life drug to Suboxone/Subutex. adding some clonidine and trazadone or amitriptyline for sleep and Klonopin or Ativan for nerves and NSAIDS for muscle aches.

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I take morphine 100mlg 2xdaily and roxi 30mlg for breakthrough pain . I took my last morphine at 6am and my last roxi at 7 am I need to take something soon and I have two suboxone 8mlg films. Is it safe to take it yet ? I don't want to go into major withdrawals .

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hey do you live near lincoln park,michigan? if so post back

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I was shot 3 times leaving me paralyzed I take 30mil it an 40mil opana how long do I have to wait to take subutex I don't take the pans or irs for the high just the pain an I don't want withdrawn on top of every thing else.

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Hi I took a opana is it OK to wait 5 hours to do a suboxone strip

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I have been on suboxone for 7 weeks at 4 to 5mg a day. I messed up and decided to skip a dose and used 2 15 mg opana within 8 hrs. Its been 18 hours since the last dose or opana . Can I try my suboxone again?

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Not a miracle drug i agree but a much safer and LEGAL option. I've been an addict for ten years starting with percs n watching it grow. I've also been on the subs for ten years n imho it is the single best decision of my life, but its up to u. The needle or the strip... wasn't a hard one for me.

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My message to you is to find an alternative to suboxone. I found out the hard way. This medicine stores in the fat cells and is nearly impossible to get off. I am in day 75 of acute withdrawals from suboxone. It is compared to 99.9% pure synthetic opiates that could take up to two years to totally withdraw.

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Total complete BS, stop freaking people out. "2 years to withdraw" not true at all

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I went to methadone instead of Suboxone so you don't have to be in full withdrawals when you start. I honestly hate Suboxone and methadone has done wonders. Everybody who isn't an addict is going to sit there and say that I'm still an addict because I turned from one job to the other. Nobody realizes how great of a step towards recovery this is. Stay on it as long as you need but the Methadone Clinic was my savior! Good luck!

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