How To Find A Doctor To Prescribe Xanax In Tennessee Who Take Blue Or Tenncare (Page 3)


My Girlfriend is 26 years old and she suffers from a huge anxiety problems and panic attacks on a daily basis. However because of her age we cant find a doctor to prescribe her xanax because so many people her age do abuse prescription drugs and sell them. We know its very addicting but she been on them for seven years and we move for about a year and was having to get them off the streets and moved back to Tenn and there a huge difference in how she reacts to daily life without them. She isa different person when she get them and keeps better control of her self when on them. We feel that she should be on xanax for the rest of her life. So if anyone knows a doctor that would prescribe her xanax around Chattanooga or anywhere in bradley county TN, Please let us know we would really appreciate it thank you

105 Replies (6 Pages)

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They don't care if you die . They will not help have to help yourself. even with heart problems and a life vest . It's a shame. Noone cares and not everyone is a dope accident.

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Do you know if Dr alez is taking patients plz let me know ASAP its an urgent situation

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To this reply I to need this and the problem came about when people were pill crazy just getting them and nothing wrong. I fill for you because you need them I would suggest a Suboxone doctor some times they give out xanx along with Suboxone good luck and God bless you

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Good luck to you both! I'm In the same boat! Praying for your family, best wishes

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Hello I hope that you can help me my doctor stopped prescribing anxiety medicine and told me I needed a psychiatrist I've been diagnosed with severe anxiety and PTSD I get terrified to even leave my house can you tell me the doctor that you see I would greatly appreciate it thanks so much Susie

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Anyone please know of one in chattanooga.. I have had one and she calls to inform me I can't come because she's been writing to too many and the phramisist wrote a date and something on top of script and she got a call so bc that brought attention her way she's cutting the last 50 clients and iveven been going forever and I'm hurting...

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Need a doctor in or close to Knoxville tn that prescribes benzos

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I am on disability for clinical depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. I have extreme anxiety. I was on Xanax when I lived in Florida but I cannot find a doctor in Tennessee that will write my Xanax and I need them. I do not abuse my Xanax nor do I sell them. Please if you can find a doctor for me I would very much appreciate it.

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Hi I'm looking for a psychiatrist in the Memphis TN area!!! Diag with anxiety but doctor died after only three months of seeing him. I also have lupus sle and get Roxy 15 #120 and morphine 30 mg #60 from pain doctor ...last doc said because I'm on Roxy that it wasn't good idea to start Xanax but I know that is what will help hell I can't help I have to take this stuff ugh !!! Someone know a psychiatrist who can help me!!! Plz!!!

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I'm trying to find a xanax doctor myself. I have been having anxiety really bad the past year and the doctors I see tell me I'm having anxiety and stress out but give me bulls*** nerve meds that do not work. I'm looking for a good xanax doctor in clarksville, tn or nashville, tn.

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Hay im jay i live in dahlonega ga i have severe panic attacks several times Dailey and im on 1mg xanax 2 a day for years and i need a doctor nere me to get prescribed 2mg xanax 3 times a day if iny one can tell me of a doctor i wood appreciate it thanks

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Re: j (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I would love to know this doctor's name as well I have been suffering from anxiety was on alprazolam but insurance stuff got in the way between that and divorce and moving I'm losing it

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Hi. I know what your girlfriend is going through. I have extremely bad anxiety and really bad panic attacks. I'm trying to get a doctor to give them back to me.

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I need help finding a Psychiatrist in Jackson Tennessee that prescribes xanax or valium. I have been on xanax for 9 years and just moved here from St. Louis, MO.

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Re: trav (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

I'm having the same problem, I live in Jackson and they cut my xanax, which I was diagnosed with anxiety from a psychologist and a MD. So now they want me to take clonazepam instead. Sad people who abuse these are hurting honest people.

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Re: becca (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I'm trying desperately to find a doctor to write my mom (who is 74 years old) a Xanax prescription. My personal number is {edited for privacy}. Please call me back.

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Re: J (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Hello I just looked this up my husband is 52 been on them for 20 years his doctor is no longer in practice

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Re: Amber (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

If your Husband does not properly discontinue Xanax, especially after 20 years, he can become very sick and possibly have a stroke or die. I would SERIOUSLY look elsewhere for a new provider, and if it gets bad, get him to an E.R. Xanax rewires your brain, and you might find you are married to a different suffering person unless this is properly addressed

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Re: J (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I would love to talk to you and compare stories. I believe that I can help you now.

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Re: Connie H (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, I'm interested in hearing about your doctor. I have the same issue.

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