Free Remicade Vials Scheme


Please let me know about the scheme of getting free vials of remicade injection.

11 Replies

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Johnson & Johnson does have an assistance program for uninsured people that are receiving treatment with Remicade, but I am not sure what countries it is available in, outside of the U.S.

They list a toll free number, so you may want to try calling to see if you can reach them and get more information, it's 800-652-6227.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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i am working with j&j for remicade in central part of india and i would like to ensure that nedy paient ll get it at affordable price contact me

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please sms me your number for remicade.

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My mobile no. is xxxxxxxxx

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Kind attn:
Mr. Rohit Singh & Mr.Iav Kush Pandey
My mobile no. is 09xxxxxxxx

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I had been suffering from psoriasis for last six years. I am 22 years of age. It is painful and shameful.i am hailing from poor family.The cost of remicade is very high. Please help sir.

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Dear sir,
I am coming from very poor family and I need this injection for my treatment could you please help me with this drug with affordable price and I don't have any other option please just give me a missed call on {edited for privacy} I will contact you please sir

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What will be cost of remicade in Mumbai

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Hello Sir,

I am 30yrs old male from bangalore. I am suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis from past 5yrs. I have been prescribed to take Remicade by my Rheumatologist.

I am from middle class family. Remicade cost is unbearable for me. Hence prolonging the intake of it since 3yrs. I am taking SAAZ-DS and ETOSHINE-90mg tablets for temporary relief daily, though it is not of that help to me. I am bearing with pain everyday.

Can you please help me in this regard?

Many Thanks,

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Who can supply this medicine at kolkata at affordable price?.

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I am suffering from serronegative spondyloarthropathy i had taken six doses of four hundred mg of remicade now i am in need again please send me the current schemes of price for the same

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