Flunisolide / Syntaris


I have been using Syntaris / flunisolide in the UK for some 20 years. Since it has been discontinued I have tried others recommended by a doctor but both dried up the nose with very irritating results,. Can anybody suggest an alternative Flunisolide that might be available in the UK, or elsewhere by post ?

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Blocked nose ! Acute Rhinitis.
Syntaris / Flunisolide has made it bearable for about 30 years but SYNTARIS is no longer available. Alternatives suggested by my doctor have caused a dry and uncomfortable nasal condition.
I don't want an operation either !
Any suggestions about Flunisolide upon which I have relied for so long ?

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Hi, just come across ur post as my partner is experiencing the same thing after using it for 20 yrs. Nothing seems as good. Have you had any luck with any thing since your post? Thanks

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Tried several and ended up with dry uncomfortable nose.
Eventually I found this which suits me admirably.
Nasobec Aqueous. 50 Microgram Nasal Spray..

beclometasone dipropionate.

Marketed by TEVA in the Chzech Republic

It is asteroid, may even, as was Syntaris,be used for Hay Fever.

John McGlynn

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My wife has been using Syntaris for many years and now this has been discontinued and no alternative seems to work. She has no smell or taste due to congested nasal passages. I have written to the drug company TEVA who say that Syntaris was taken out of their production due to difficulty obtaining the active ingredient FLUNISOLIDE. We would welcome any suggestions to help her resolve this irritating problem.

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I am also having difficulty finding a good replacement nasel spray to flunisolide which I had used for 28 years right up until it was discontinued, I have recently been using one called Avamys but it just dosnt work the same..any one got any ideas recommendations please

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I was using Syntaris for many years, since about 1985, it was great when I discovered it and worked perfectly, when it was discontinued in the UK (as far as I am aware it is still available in the US), I tried a range of Doctor prescribed decongestants, most of which caused nose bleed and lasted just a couple of hours. I am now using Pirinase spray, which although not as good as Syntaris does help. I find it on the internet as its not on the list of medicines the doctor is allowed to prescribe.

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Thank you for sharing info re Nasobec Aqueous spray. Where do you buy it? Is it prescription only?

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