Ferinject Forums

Recently active Ferinject forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ferinject and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

My first ferinject last year made me feel amazing. But 11 days after the last one and I’m very dizzy, shortness of breath, and pounding heart (even though my pulse is normal). There was nausea but luckily that has subsided. I’m pretty much bed ridden. When will this end ?? ## It is hard to say, some people may experience side effects from iron infusions for a long period of time, and there have been cases where the side effects never went away. The typical side effects may include the symptoms you've experienced, along with headache, joint/muscle aches, skin discoloration, and taste changes. Ref: Iron Infusion Information Are you on any other medications? Why are you receiving the Ferinject?

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I had my first Ferinject IV iron infusion a month ago. Had an allergic reaction prior to flushing and had to have antihistamines. It also brought on a hemorrhagic period the next day which lasted heavy for three days. I'm one month on and just started another heavy clotting period. Is this a side effect? ## I have just had a super heavy period, 1 week after a ferinject. The period was on time, but so heavy! ## Many medications can affect your menstrual period, according to NIH studies. This infusion may also cause nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and joint/muscle aches. Are you on any other medications?

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