Exjade Forums

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I have been taking exjade since i was 13.. dose 250mg.. I have just recently started taking it again... Im getting chronic diarreah after eating. My question is does it really work? The diarreah has been getting worse ever since i started taking again after a 2 month gap. ## Exjade contains the active ingredient Deferasirox, it is an iron chelator used to reduce iron overload in people with conditions that make them prone to it, such as those getting regular blood transfusions, or who have iron poisoning. Learn more Exjade details here. And yes, it has been proven effective. As to the diarrhea, it may be due to the medication or a number of other factors. Have you changed your diet recently? Have you consulted your doctor about the problem?

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I have been taking Exjade at a daily rate of 2250 mg. I also have blood transfusions every two weeks. Of late I get chronic diarrhea. I have stopped taking Exjade and now await my haematologists decisions. Has anyone else experienced this? ## My husband has blood tfansfusions monthly, he has blisters on his hands, when the bisters burst his fingers become very painful, do you have any suggestions on anything to relieve the pain?

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where I can find exjade ?? ## Side effects of Exjade purchasing this drug Where to buy ## That is a brand name for a drug called Deferasirox, which is an iron chelation therapy, used to remove iron from someone's body when they have too much stored, or they suffer from Hemachromatosis. This is very new on the US market, the FDA just approved it last year, so there isn't a lot of information available yet, but here's the link to the main site: As to purchasing it, you will need a prescription, it is not available, nor legal to purchase it without one. If you have a problem with high iron, you really need to be under a doctor's care anyway, and not trying to self-treat.

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