Enzocort 6mg


I have spinal stenosis.Back pain as well as pain radiates to right leg,while walking after 5 minutes or so. Bypass surgery done during 1994.Ejection factor 33%. Started taking Defza 6 mg tablets once a day.Considerable improvement in back pain as well as pain radiating to left leg. Can I continue taking defza 6 mg and for how long.Want advice since having heart bypass surgery anf ejection 33%.

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Is your doctor aware that you are taking it?

Defza contains a steroid class medication, Deflazacort and these aren't usually given to cardiac patients, because they can cause fluid retention, which may lead to congestive heart failure.

As a heart patient, you should consult your doctor, regarding any medications you take and your concerns about them, because only your doctor can help you decide what is safe for you to use.

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Thanks for your advice and caution regarding fluid retention.Doctor in India recommended to take enzocort for few days.I informed him about my heart condition.Advised that I should consult my doctor here in USA for continuing this medicine. We returned back to USA about a week back. Will be eligible for Medical /Medicare after 30 days in USA and than I can go to my doctor in USA. As a precaution taking 40 Mg of lasix instead of regular 20 mg-to take care of fluid retention.
Please let me know your views.

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