Doctor That Prescribes Xanax In Nyc Or North Jersey (Top voted first)


I have severe anxiety attacks and an insomniac. I literally pull an all nighter once a week. I am prescribed klonopin but i have too much anxiety for it to work fast enough. I need something stronger and faster. I am aware of all the effects as well as my parents. I just need a recommendation of a doctor who is at least not against prescribing it if they feel, which they will, I need script. My doctor's hospital has a policy against it.

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Does anyone know of a psychiatrist that prescribes klonopin in North Brunswick around this area? I been on Klonopin for over 20 years for Anxiety, I have very bad anxiety. I was taking 3 klonopin a day, I moved to New Jersey and my doctor already taking me off of my klonopin.

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Actually, Klonopin and Xanax are considered to be equivalent in strength and efficacy, so it isn't likely that you will get much better results if you switch and in the regular release formulation, both take between 15 to 20 minutes to start working, there is no instant release to work any faster.

Learn more Xanax details here.

Learn more Klonopin details here.

If your anxiety is that bad, you may actually do better with one of the SSRI antidepressants that you take all the time to keep it in control, rather than something like this that you only take once an attack has already started.

Have you ever discussed your other options with your doctor?

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Man that's terrible! I can definitely relate. I was seeing a psychiatrists who would have on try all sorts of cocktails that never seemed to work until he gave me klonopin. Problem was he kept me on it for 2 months telling me it was only temporary and not get used to relying on it long term. Once I turned 18 I couldn't see him anymore.

I'd suggest you do what I did and go to the busiest family doctors office in your area with your Own copy of your medical history that states what your diagnosed with & what you have tried along with how it is working for you. Say your insurance would no longer work for your old doctor and last mentioned trying alprazo-something. Maintain eye contact with accurate reporting of your anxiety condition with sincerity in your eye.

That's what worked for me till I got in with a psych. Now I'm trying out xanax xr [:

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I am new to north jersey...east orange. I have been prescribed klonopin and xanax for 25 yrs. I need a doctor or psychiatrist that prescribes either and wont waste my time. I left my last dr. because I moved. I left on good terms without any bad history or suspicion of abusing scripts. I don't want to be looked at as drug seeking. I just dont have the energy or time to waste as im sure you all understand. Any referral to a legitimate dr. Would be greatly appreciated. I say legitimate bc I dont want a fly by night dr. that will lose his license in a year bc he's prescribing n selling scripts. Thank u in advance to anyone who can help.

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Re: AnxietYdrivenMADness (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

What's the name of your doctor?

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Go see a psychiatrist they are the appropriate specialist for anxiety issues.. seems like regular MD’s do not like prescribing controlled substances of any kind. I’m on klonopin and maybe you need a higher dose because they prevent panic attacks but if you run out early it’s a complete nightmare. Best bet is seeing a psychiatrist

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