Do You Have To Wait To Eat Or Drink After Suboxone? (Page 2)


Hello, everyone! I have heard from different people that they can eat and drink right after taking subs. Others have said 2 wait a half hour. Does anyone know which is true? Different Drs say different things. Thank u 4 your input.

33 Replies (2 Pages)

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Some clinicians have been saying 15 minutes. I've heard some say 30 minutes. Others say until all the medicine is absorbed.

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Re: jolter (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

The key is how it's taken. I'm a chemist and there is a "correct" way to take Suboxone, especially the tablets.

1. Use the same, dedicated stiff bristled toothbrush *WITHOUT TOOTHPASTE* before EACH dose to scrub the tongue, cheeks, and (gently) under the tongue. This facilitates 2 things: first, it cleans/brushes away the film on EVERY healthy tongue. Secondly, it more or less gently disturbs the microscopic capillaries in the oral tissue making it easier for the medicine to enter the bloodstream.

Suboxone is rendered USELESS in the stomach, so...

2. Let the strips (I prefer the tabs) dissolve under the tongue and don't spit out OR swallow the saliva (this was maddeningly confusing to me, so my research here comes from a chemist who helped develop the medication) - let it accumulate in the mouth. Allow the tables to turn pasty and slowly dissolve, all the while allowing the medication-laden saliva to float around the mouth. As the medicine dissolves, swish it in your mouth, and use your teeth to massage your cheeks and tongue, thereby maximizing medicinal absorption. If you use the tablets (which are far less expensive), you may even get adept enough to "paint" your gums and cheeks, again maximising absorption.

3. After the medication fully dissolves, you'll, for lack of a better description, have a mouthful of saliva. This saliva now has 2 medications in it that makes it so unbelievably effective for some. Buprenorphine, one part, is absorbed EXCLUSIVELY through the blood vessels in your mouth and is immediately useless once swallowed. Buprenorphine blocks the euphoric effects of drugs like heroin by binding to the same opiate receptors in the brain used by other opiates. Thus, people who use buprenorphine (Suboxone) are not able to get a high from their original drug of choice. And there is more good news! Althoughbuprenorphine and depressionare not clinically related, brain chemicals affect mood.So buprenorphine can make you feel better as you detox from opiate addiction. This in and of itself is a MAJOR factor in a successful sobriety process. Naloxone is the other half of the key to the success of one dedicated to achieving sobriety. It works by blocking opioid receptors in the brain, thereby blocking the effects of opioid agonists (e.g., heroin, morphine). Unlike Buprenorphine Naloxone has poor bioavailability when taken sublingually. Converely, Naloxone IS absorbed in the stomach. This is why spitting out the Naloxone undermines your sobriety because without it, one could conceivably attain narcotic euphoria even with buprenorphine in his or her system. People advising you to spit saliva are advising you to do so in order to not ingest the Naloxone. This is on hourly counterproductive to your sobriety. Naloxone is the component of the medicine that deters you from using other opiates because it works, in short, by blocking your opiate your receptors.

Finally, though it will be cumbersome to have a growing mouthful of saliva, hold it, swish it, massage it into your tongue and cheeks using your teeth, for at least 20 minutes. Then swallow it. After that, residual medication will continue to be absorbed, so wait 15 minutes before food or drink. As mentioned before, it's a cumbersome routine. But speaking for myself, it helped me into recovery after some 20 years if abuse. Sadly, I'd even HAD the suboxone before but poor instruction doomed to failure.

And lastly, if you are an addict you have a disease. There is no shame in disease. Would you be too embarrassed to tell a loved one you had cancer? Or liver disease? Indeed there is no shame, but although you may find remission or recovery, it's just that. There is no cure. I laugh at those on TV in denial who say they "used to be an addict". With exceedingly few exceptions someone who accidentally invested a drug of choice would I daresay relapse. That's why it's called "recoverY", and not "recovereD". Best if luck, lean on your support system.

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Re: Salesmaster (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your information..I have been taking my suboxone wrong because I would drink coffee right when I woke up and then five minutes later put the suboxone in my mouth and would wonder why a few hours later I wasn't feeling good, so thank you I appreciate it!

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The only other variable or factor not discussed here is parasympathetic vs. sympathetic, with regard to your CNS. Eating food will activate your para-, and slow down the sympathetic. As you know, it's the latter (i.e., sympathetic) that speeds up drug metabolization. So, if you slow down the sympathetic CNS by eating, then Suboxone is likely to remain in your system longer.

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Re: John (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Been on it 8 years and i have waited 30 mins and there is absolutely no deference. It's all in peoples heads. My doctor had been writing scripts for over 15 years, even took a course at the company and they say actually from the data they received from patients 15 mins is plenty long enough to wait & 30 mins is a over kill but companies put that in their instructions just add a precaution.

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Re: Cats68 (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Don't smoke before or after. Smoking is the worst thing to do before taking subs or after because it constricts the blood vessels and that is how the drug is absorbed, through blood vessels in the mouth. If they're constricted they wont absorb as well.

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I was told by my doctor and other people at least wait 15 to 30 minutes before eating or drinking however you can take sips of water after taking it just don't drink a cup of it or a gallon LOL

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Why does suboxone make your head hurt?

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Re: jd13601 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

That's from being constipated from the subs... I had that problem when I was on methadone and my dr informed me that those are side effects of constipation and constipation is a side effect of long term use of any opioid or sub/methadone

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Re: jd13601 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

You're probably pregnant! Haha

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Why can't I eat, drink, or smoke for 1/2 hour after taking Suboxone?

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question not answered. I’d like a PROFESSIONAL to answer my question and WHY. No smart asses please

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You must wait 20 -30 minutes earing drinking or smoking before and after you take suboxone or you will not get the full dose

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