Cilift What Are The Withdrawal Symptoms


My husband has stopped taking Cilift and I need to know what the withdrawal symptoms are?

3 Replies

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I stopped a week ago after weaning off from 30mg pday to 10mg over 4 months. Was on 10mg (half a pill) for a month and stopped. I am dizzy, had nightmares. Just before going to sleep (after 5 days) saw blasts of light and noise in my head. Has subsided since and will stick it out! My libido has returned to almost normal after being celibate for 2 years while on Cilift, in just a week. Let me know if your hubbie is feeling the same symptoms. Mine are similar to what I have read here.

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What Barry has described can all be typical symptoms.

However, the relevant question is, what is your husband experiencing?

Learn more Cilift details here.

Not everyone will have a problem stopping such a medication, because everyone is different.

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In my experience, vertigo, weakness of muscles, low libido...

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