Carbo/levo Manufacturer


I need to know who is the manufacturer of this medication? My dad uses this medication for Parkinson's related tremors.

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How long does it take for carbo/levo to get into your system and take effect?

Is this a time released medication?

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In regards to the first question for anyone looking for information in the future:

Without knowing more details, such as the markings on them, there is no way for anyone to tell you who the manufacturer is, since this is a generic that is made by several different companies.

Thus, if that's the information you need, you'll have to include more details in your post, preferably any markings that are on the tablets.

As to how long it takes to start working, most tablets take about 15 to 20 minutes, once ingested. However, it will take about 4 to 6 weeks for it to reach its full efficacy level in your body.

Learn more Sinemet details here.

And there is a time released formulation available, but that should be designated on your prescription bottle with something such as XR, ER, SR, CR or something similar.

Are there any other questions I can help with?

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