Clopitab - A 75


Clopidogrel And Aspirin Capsules

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Coplidogrel with Aspirin is used to as a blood thinner, to treat, or prevent certain problems that could be caused by, or associated with blood that clots easier.

Side effects may include: nausea, headache, stomach irritation and increased risk of bleeding.

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In August, 2009 I sfffered from profuse sweating on the body without any chest pain. When contacted the Cardiologist, TMT was done and it was negative.Howerver, based on lipid profile, HDL was 26 and Triglycerides were 173. I was prescribed medication Telmivas 40, Aztor 10 and Ecospirin 150. This medication continued upto Sep.2011 and Ecospirin was reduced to 75 mg. Till 9th March, 2012 I was on the same medication. On 10th March, in place of Ecospirin, Clopitab A 75 was prescribed. 15 minutes after taking Clopitab A 75, I felt mild chest pain which continued from 2pm to 10 pm. In the early hours ie. at 4 am it started sweating without chest pain.

When approached Care Hospital, I was kept in Emergency ward for one day and shifted to HDU and discharged on 3 rd day by prescribing Telma 40, Betalock 12.5, Clopilet 75, Sorbitrat 5, Ecospirin 75 and Panzole. After 15 days TMT was taken which has shown mildly positive. Angiogram is suggested. Should it be necessary or do the above medicines manage the problem. When Telma 40 is prescribed, is Betalock 12.5 is necessary. Please tender your kind opinion/suggestion.

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I have undergone angioplasty with one stent on 16th jan 2012 and undergone a laser surgery on 24th April 2012. My whole Prostate was removed. I was on Cathetor for 4 months. The cath was removed on 26th Aprll 2012. I am now on clopitab 75, Ecospine 150, Zyloic, Naphro cap, Storvas 200, and Dutas. There is lot of bleeding. Please advise.

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I have a pill that is round, light orange, and has 41 imprinted on one side. Is this clopidogrel 75 mg?

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I have a light orange/rose colour tablet in heart shape and named as Clopitab. Now I have chest pain when walk most of the time in up gradient (even if the gradient is as flat as 1 in 10000) and said to be having block in artery near the left shoulder (the place where the arteries bifurcate to brain and left arm) the block is at the junction but predominately blocking the flow to left arm. My pulse in the left arm is feeble and weak and the BP measured in left arm is invariably lower that what is indicated in right arm. I have similar block at the left hip - in the artery that leads to left leg. Earlier I used to get numbness in left leg the moment I start walking. Subsequently after I was advised to stop smoking (I used to smoke about 4 or 5 fags a day). After I stopped smoking in the last 3 odd years I don't have the numbness but later developed this chest pain. Due to the delicate juxtaposition of the bolck in left shoulder Angioplasty is not recommended and I am under medical management since last 18 months or so. In spite pain I walk as much I can to control cholesterol level (which is under control). Now can use this Clopitab?

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I am suffering from hypertension from the age of 18. now my age is 28. my mummy and daddy is also suffering from this. Approx one and half year ago, i felt light chest pain (on those days, i didn't take medicines from 1 year). after checkup, my blood pressure was 150/90 approx. doctors suggested me to take telmikind 20. after 1 month my pressure was 160/90 then they suggested me to take metosartan 40+25. they suggested to go with renal artery angio and doppler study and told me that you are suffering from segmental renal artery stenosis. Then i gone to AIIMS Delhi. After Echo and doppler they didn't find any problems to worry (Just mild LVH). Then they suggested me to take amlong H. after that my pressure became almost normal in normal conditions. after 1 yr of continuous medication, my pressure becomes slightly below the normal range then i have self decided to take half of this tab daily. After some days, during my personal and family tension, my pressure became again high (150/90) and some times i was feeling slight chest pain. Then again i started to take 1 tab daily and gone to specialist doctor and then he suggested to continue amlong h and start ramipril 2.5. now my pressure is almost normal without starting ramipril 2.5. should i start ramipril 2.5 or not?????? how long will i be on medication???? now i am feeling more sweating than others as well as frequent numbness of legs, hands etc. plz help me.... thanks a lot.....

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Dr. prescribed me clopitab A 75. Already I have taken 30 of those in one month, but this time by mistake I got clopitab A 150.. Should I continue with this? Please note that I live in Bangladesh, but this is Indian medicine. I have no option to exchange it. What should I do?

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