Bromocriptine Forums

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i was prescribed with Bromocriptine, but i'am confused beacuse i see there are two types: the capsules which are 5mg and the tablets 2.5 mg. my doctor prescribed me to take 1/2 tablet each night, but he means half of the 2.5 mg or the 5 mg one. Iam confused because maybe I think that he menat half of the capsule (5mg) which is the 2.5 tablet. Iam currently taking half of the 2.5 mg, is this right or I should take the 2.5 entirely, which is the half of the 5 mg? HELP PLEASEEE!!!! ## If I were in your shoes, the best thing to do is exactly what you are already doing, taking half of the 2.5 mg tablet; as your doctor prescribed. Better safe to under-dose than overdose. I can understand how it would be confusing and awkward to take half of a tablet. I would get ahold of your doctor to cl...

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