Breckenridge Cymbalta


Has anyone tried Breckenridge Cymbalta? CVS changed. I was taking Prasco pharmaceuticals and had no issues. Just concern

10 Replies

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Have you tried taking it, yet? If so, have you noticed any difference?

Not all medications, or their generics, work the same for everyone that tries them, so the only way to really know how it will work for you is by trying it. Does it cause you to experience any of the typical side effects, which are listed as possibly including nausea, somnolence, or dizziness according to the Cymbalta details page?

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I don’t take that, but I had to stop using CVS for my meds because they were ordering the most ineffective generics I have come across. Then Rite Aid must have changed distributors because they did too. Wallgreens isn’t in my network so I am trying to switch to a little local pharmacy.

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Re: Maggie (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Yes CVS switched to brekenridge and I hate it! I've been on generics for years for depression and they were fine but when my local pharmacy started using breckinridge I had return of symptoms and even some withdrawals. Not good.

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Re: Laura (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I was switched to this generic by Breckinridge also and I am feeling horrendous! Uncontrollable pain and return of depression symptoms. I also use CVS and was doing well on the previous generic. I plan to call my doctor tomorrow to ask what they advise, I am miserable!

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Re: Lauren (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Same here in southeast U.S. 01/2020. I was wondering why I get so sleepy after I take it. I remembered the last time CVS or Walmart did this, last year? Tip: If you look on GoodRx, you can tell who is dispensing these cheaper green pills and who is dispensing the blue pills. This should be illegal.

Green = bad
Blue = good

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Re: Seeking blue pill (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Breckenridge Cymbalta is horrible. My depression, irritability, and suicidal ideation have returned on it.

Was at psychiatrist today and told him about change in status. His first question was about manufacturer of the generic. He told me to flush it down the toilet. So, I'm paying for a North American generic from Walgreens for a couple of weeks until I can refill on insurance.

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It is horrible. It doesn't work even half as well as the name brand. Greedy insurance companies.

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Re: Laura (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have had trouble with the generic duloxetine made by Breckinridge. DO NOT TAKE IT!!!!. I am also a psychiatrist and prescribe Cymbalta for my patients.

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I was recently switched over to Breckenridge for my duloxetine and ended up in the ER because I thought I was having heart problems but turns out they were severe withdrawal symptoms because the medication does not work. Do not use Breckenridge for you duloxetine. I managed to get an emergency fill until I can get in touch with my psych to get a new fill order.

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Within 10 days of taking this my depression is over the edge! This is the 2nd time a pharmacy has given this brand to me and I've had extreme difficulty within 10 days. This manufacturer should be taken off the market before someone commits suicide!!!

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