Blurred Vision After Taking Hydrocodone/apap 5 500


Just stopped taking this 2 days ago... I am having blurred ... double vision bad today. Should I call my Dr, or just wait it out?

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These effects are normal if you have stopped the medication cold turkey, depending on how long you were taking them and how often, you may also experience: nausea, diarrhea, chills and vomiting.

Your body does get used to anything you ingest regularly and abrupt cessation can cause minor withdrawal symptoms.

If they get more severe or troublesome, then you should see your doctor or go to the nearest emergency care center.


Have you developed any new symptoms?

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I broke my wrist and was given HYDROCO/APAP 7.5-500Tab Mallk Chem, Generic for LORTAB for pain. After getting cast off and going through therapy I ask for some pain meds and was given HYDROCO/APAP5-500MG Tab MALLINCKRO, Gernic for VICODIN5-500MG TAB. Can you tell me the difference and which is most powerful. I only take them about an hour before going to therapy. Please advise.

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The difference is the dosage. What you had first contained 7.5mgs of Hydrocodone, so it was a little stronger than the one they recently gave you, which only contains 5mgs of Hydrocodone.

They both contain 500mgs of Acetaminophen.


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