Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 73)


Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?

Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?

Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?

Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.

Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.

The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.

While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.

In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.

What will you do?

Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.

1547 Replies (78 Pages)

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Re: cliff j (# 1426) Expand Referenced Message

Having been associated with the medical community for way too long, I can tell you that the oath of ethical professional behavior, as outlined under the Hippocratic Oath, has become diluted, distorted and disemboweled! As I witness an acquiescence to the gods of bureaucracy and political expediency, it makes me sick!

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Re: Vintage Lady (# 1424) Expand Referenced Message

My previous doctor (He retired at 82 yrs old) often prescribed methadone for my pain when it went beyond the vicodins capabilities. I feel it's a decent pain med and one that i tolerated well. they should give you what works for you.

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Re: Hop (# 1437) Expand Referenced Message

I was on Durogeic 100 for many years and tapered to 40mg Morphine/day by cutting 1mm strips off the patches. Make sure you do not have the patches with a reservoir or you could get an overdose. The adhesive type with the fentanyl in the adhesive are OK.

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Re: John (# 1441) Expand Referenced Message

Excellent Post! You are right on point!

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Re: John (# 1441) Expand Referenced Message

Good read John,same things happening here in Australia ,really makes me wonder what they do when in need of pain relief ??I'm sure they would not be taking ibaproven ,it's a well known fact it isn't real good for stomach lining , besides being a totally useless pain med,when are they going to realise they are not God.??

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What can I do to get something to control my pain? What I get now doesn't come nowhere near close to making me able to function as a person having zero quality of life.

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Re: Kimma (# 1446) Expand Referenced Message

when you figured it out let us know b4 the govt became doctors over night (not sure where they got their degree ....... dr fraks stienz university in transylvania maybe) ..... but i digress ....... i was on an equivalent of around 350mg a day ........... they have cut me to 50mg a day ........ i went from maintaining a decent quality of life (all be it a painful one )the pain is never completely gone( but now its a battle just to maintain the bare essentials of getting through the day ..... they sent for mri of lower back ....... the screwed up back parts started in the thoracic and went completely through the lumbar section ...... there was not 1 reading that was not seriously screwed up ....... but no increase in meds tho (insert profound name here) now they sending to consult another neurosurgeon so they can tell me again that my back is tl far gone & there is nothing they can do ........ i wonder if those new govt drs are related to some of gerhings buddies

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Re: Roro (# 1447) Expand Referenced Message

This is the M.O. of the government. Anytime you cannot arrest or go after the real criminals they go after the regular people who did nothing to deserve their treatment or being harassed by the government. If you cannot get the street drug addicts or arrest the criminals stealing their drugs from the Pharmacies or their relatives and friends you just go after the low hanging fruit, the Chronic pain patient. You take multiple test like MRI’s and CT scans. You go get second and third opinions. Then you go through their “step therapies. Once you have jumped through all of these hoops you are finally prescribed something. Now who does the government go after? The person that has done no wrong. This is the same principle that many has tried to use on the criminals that commit crimes with a gun. They cannot get a handle on the real criminals so they think if you restrict the rights of law abiding citizens they can say “look what we are doing to solve this problem. Criminals are criminals for a reason—they commit crimes and no amount of laws will ever stop them. They are criminals. Criminals get their drugs through the black market. They get their guns the same way. We need to stop attacking the innocent people so they can say “look what we are doing”. How would you like to be arrested for a crime that you can prove that you did not commit? This is what is happening to innocent Chronic pain patients everyday. Doctors are attacking people that have done no wrong. I just do not understand it. It makes no sense but they do it anyway.

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Re: w John (# 1448) Expand Referenced Message

preach n to the choir ... i actually took it even darker as reference that this could happen research mensa ark airport & ark teen train murders ...... imo the govt is removing access to safe pain meds to push chronic pain patients to the black market ..... this has a 2 fold objective most major chronic pain patients are on social security disability or supplemental income (ssi) ......if one of these patients od & die ..... the govt just saved $12k plus a year ....they are happy ........ 2nd tier if you were paying attention the crackdown on pain meds started just a lil while after the govt claimed they gained control of nearly if not ALL of the afganny poppy fields (govt said we need to destroy these terrorist poppy fields nearly all heroin comes from these fields & funds their terrorist activities) ...... ok ..... within 12-18 months of the declaration of getting control of poppy fields the govt starts an heroin campaign (they will say it was to stop it ........ but imo they were commercials to sell more heroin) as rumors are circulating that pain med restrictions are coming .... govt faces are on the airwaves explaining how pain meds a dangerous because theh are opiods and work just like heroin (Works the way heroin works) intresting isn't it ....... govt gets poppy fields .... govt hates on pain meds (that have been fine for decades) govt starts forcing pain med cuts ...... govt is warning how heroin & pain meds work in the same way so pain meds need restricted even more ...... govt says heroin issue is getting worse and is flooding over the border ...... (uh where is all this heroin coming from) remember govt said nearly if not all heroin came from the afganny poppy fields (that why they went in there to cut off terrorist funding from heroin sales) so the govt said they have control of all those poppy fields (if govt has all the poppies then were is all this heroin coming from) ..... imo govt black opps under direction of the cia (or whatever alphabet group is flavor of the op) is processing these poppies into heroin & smuggling it into the country ......who else could it be ..... where else are there enough poppy fields to make this large of a supply of heroin (remember govt said nearly if not all heroin comes from those afganny poppy fields) ........ so yes the govt is supplying the black market heroin in at least the USA .... and if their commercial worked ,, & ,, some chronic pain patients moved over to heroin ....... cool they are helping fund the cia (or whatever black op group) black ops into other countries (like iran in 1953 when USA orchestrated the overthrow of a democratic republic of Iran using the cia .... also did same thing h overthrew the govt of guatemala around the same time) so if a few people od who cares they will no longer receive any more of their social security money they paid the govt ........... made $$$ on the heroin sale & saved $$$ on the ssd account because they od'd govt is making out like the bandits they are .......... but hey what do i know ...... i am just one of the pain med people that is using those nasty drugs that work like heroin!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Roro (# 1447) Expand Referenced Message

Wow. Aka; They (gov’t) are using their have created what they call an “OPIOD CRISIS” a political platform tool w/their actual goal as an act of genocide, population control & balance the SSD/SSI “$Bank” cash flow...

What is so sad is the fact that our SOCIAL SECURITY “bank” is soley based/funded by our own hard earned money! They make it seem they are doing us a favor once we become eligible for OUR HARD EARNED BENEFITS as if it were their own!

Bottom line here is we as LEGIT CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS that are being used as pawns to no fault of our own.

Please CHRONIC PAIN WARRIORS... Read & participate in the NATIONAL PAIN REPORT #NationalPainReport #ChronicPainWarriors as well as researching all Chronic Pain Patient Advocacy groups! Contact your gov’t Senators, Congress, FDA, DEA, CDC

Our voices are finally being heard! We must fight this battle & win!!

Make your voice heard!

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Re: Roro (# 1447) Expand Referenced Message

Very good reading material!!, I also follow a different medschat group for patients who are on buprenorphine treatments, just like I'm on.. and someone once wrote a similar story like yours,..and I have no doubts about what you said about the government..and also read differently theories that has to do with the over populated world we live in. On how the government would or could get rid of the druggies, the poor uneducated and pain management patients, who collect SSD,, who rely on state help to make it...anyways thanks for your thoughts and sharing for us to read.

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This is to the doc who says that opioids should never be prescribed. I have arthritis from my neck to my toes and a very bad back. I have stenosis in 3 places which makes it hard to to walk, as well as being in a lot of pain. I also have fibromyalgia and well chronic kidney diseass and cannot take any OTC pain relievers except Tylenol.took pain pills for 2 pyears. The pill doc I saw insisted I take morphine and hydrocodone in larger amounts than I needed. By the time he lost his license I had over 300 pills left so I was able to taper Dow slowly. Clearly I am not an addict. I am 70 yrs. old and trying to enjoy life but it's hard when you are in that much pain. You are a very cold hearted person and I would never go to you, Evan if you did prescribe opioids. Also, I am not overweight and I do water aerobics for exercise. You have no empathy and should not be a doctor.

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Re: Kat (# 1452) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kat , please send this to your Congress ans Senate reps.
They need to wake up the FDA and CDC

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Re: MacTurk (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am right there with you and don’t know what to do when they just cut u off cold turkey. What does every drug say Do not stop this medicine suddenly. These dr.s doesn’t care anymore. Just die so we will be off their books as done all I could for them. Yes right.

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It's mainly due to the newest medical treatment ripoff... Pain Management Centers... same basic places that started this war on opioids, only they called them illegal pill mills, because almost anyone could go in, with or be sent for MRI... and the doctors would prescribe basically whatever you asked for, meds and amounts.
Now these Pain Management Centers are just a way for the medical profession to get more money out of legitimate pain patients, or the government thru Medicaid and Medicare while making us jump through more hoops and have to travel to somewhere besides our PPOs while being humiliated while they try to figure out if we REALLY need our pain meds or just trying to get meds for other than legitimate medical reasons, which in most cases have been documented and proven to be needed for sometimes a couple of decades. It's Big Brother and the medical profession doing this and also handing some power to refuse to fill prescriptions to the Pharmacists who have gotten big heads by being handed that power over what our doctors have prescribed for years.
It all fits together like a puzzle... government let the pill mills get out of control, even aided them in some cases, so they could cry WOLF and set off unneeded alarms in not just the illegal end, but into the unneeded legitimate pain patients spillover. One has nothing to do with the other... so why are we all getting pulled into this Quagmire under the auspices of an Opioid Crisis... what a joke. Unfortunately my quality of life has been totally compromised, and for the worse. Please... someone do something. President Trump... I voted for you, make our American citizens who need their pain meds able to get them through our PPOs again and restore our right to the Pursuit of Happiness and a Pain Free life, and the ability to do so without recriminations.

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Re: Vintage Lady (# 1455) Expand Referenced Message

This is partly Trump's fault .they started cutting me.back on my meds 6 months ago...trump put his daughter Ivanka in charge of the.opiod war
NOT A DR .....IVANKA ! It's disgusting

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Re: Vintage Lady (# 1455) Expand Referenced Message

I understand your situation. The overall vast majority of what the general public describe as “the Opioid crisis” involve ILLEGAL STREET DRUGS. Things like heroin and bathtub fentanyl. I even read where a college student overdosed on cocaine and he was said to be a victim of “the Opioid epidemic”. Since when was cocaine an opioid? Never, that is when. Because of the mass hysteria created by this fake crisis the main ones that are having to pay the price is chronic pain patients. No political group is either backing or exacerbating this issue. People look for someone to blame when there is only circumstances out of their control to blame. I have read stories from 30 year Pain Doctors that the pendulum is starting to swing back slowly to a more balanced approach.

I moved to Florida in 2009 and there was a “pill mill” every mile or two in some areas. If one had the time and money you could get a pain prescription for 100 OxyContin then go to the next “pill mill” and get another prescription for another 100 pills, and on and on. There was no reporting of prescriptions at that time. Now, we are where we are. My Pharmacist tried to put his nose in my prescriptions and I informed him that I have been on the same regimen for 12 + years, he did not have ANY of my medical records and he had never examined me so he was not entitled to substitute his “opinion” for my Doctor’s opinion. Hw as only allowed to prevent any pill I was taking from clashing with another one or being dangerous. I do not know where we go from now. People are being dropped completely after many years of pain pills. Every Doctor and every article I have read said that one should NEVER quit long term pain medication cold turkey but many Doctors are doing just that. To not, at least, put their patients on some type of withdrawal program is not only wrong but it can be very dangerous. Even if you are not “addicted” to a substance you become “dependent” on the substance even when taken as directed because of the years one has been prescribed a pain pill. Bringing socialism and high taxes into the equation will not make the problem better— only worse. We need to change the rules over time as they were changed over time for the worse. BALANCE is what we need.

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Re: C (# 1456) Expand Referenced Message

Feel better now that you've gotten your anti Trump/Ivanka off your chest? I have chronic lower back pain from an accident with my clothes dryer L-4 L-5 over 2 years ago. I guess it always helps to blame someone. I believe this is all about illegal drugs coming into the USA. Not to stop your Doctor from prescribing your pain meds. Discuss with him/her why don't you?

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Re: C (# 1456) Expand Referenced Message
Blaming this on President Trump is stupid. No matter who is appointed. This whole opioid thing started under obamler.

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Re: jobird (# 1458) Expand Referenced Message
Blaming others because you just want to “rant” will not correct this problem.

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