Benzoyl Peroxide + Sulfur Forums

Recently active Benzoyl Peroxide + Sulfur forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Benzoyl Peroxide + Sulfur and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

when I was a child in the baby booms days and at that time it was a common problem with a lot of the young people, it was at that time called boils. There was a drug at that time by prescription called sulfur tablets and it would treat the problem and it really worked without having to torture yourself by puncturing the head of the boil. Is there still a medicine that treats simular problems of the same conditions, that contains sulfur. I sure hope there is because I am having a problem with the something of the simular outbreak. Please let me know ASAP if anyone out there knows of anything that will help besides the old black tar looking cream, because I've already tried that. I hope there is someone that can help me with this problem. I've been having the same occurences every...

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