Are The White Gg249 Xanax A Good Brand? (Page 4)


I got chalky tasting xanax with imprint gg249 on one side. And smooth on the back, I haven't taken one until I figure out if they're good or not. Anyone else been prescribed these? Do they work, are they a legitimate brand?

85 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Panicsucks (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Closed fours are indicative of counterfeits. However sometimes they work a lot better than other ones. So those research chemicals sometimes are better than Xanax.

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Never got ana off street until mine were stolen. White, gg249, 3 scores, chalky, glossy back. Ive read a lot of comments but I still dk what to think. Numbers are faint. One bar has o numbers/letters. 6 bucks/PC. Think I was ripped off. Any ideas?

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They really work. Did you get a prescription for them or you got them elsewhere? The gg 249 are really good - my second favorite after the blue xanax bars. The blue xanax bars are the strongest to me. I know they are all the same amount of mg but for some reason the blue ones hit harder and last longer than any other brand or color bars. Then the gg249 are the second most effective, and then the green ones, and then the yellow ones.

Now if you got them illegally there's a big possibility that they could be counterfeit, but you can tell right away when a xanax bar is. If they look chalky and don't have a good shiny coat they are most likely counterfeit. Also if you try and break it in half and it's hard and makes a snap noise, they are likely good. My advice is get one of them and break them on all the score marks they have. If they break properly on the score line then they are good. You should be able to break it in 4 pieces if they are legitimate. If they are not, they will break in 3 pieces not four. Good luck to you man.

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They are real. Iv had a lot of experience with benzodiazepines.

It does seem like a slightly important compared other pharmaceutical brands. Its slow acting and creeps up on you but all tell tail feeling are thier from salivating to calm euphoria. I must admit something seems less clean about the feeling otherwise it's within a exceptable margin of error.

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Re: drewster89 (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah for some reason the white Sandoz brand gg249s are a little weak. Idk if it’s just me but I took 6 of em and I’m kinda high… I know they real tho

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Re: Misslyric12000 (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

How do you get 4 a day (120) a month!?

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Re: pculver (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

The ones with two gs right next to them are counterfeit. And the green bars are a lot too.

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Re: O man (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

There is a derivative of alprazolam called Flu-alprazolam that’s has a shorter duration but works hard. That’s what they use to press counterfeit bars. So kee your head up and be careful.

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Re: Task rx THE TRUTH (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Wow man this was helpful dude. I noticed the 4 . It doesn’t close its open. And same with the 9 on the gg249s . Thank you for this.

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Re: Sounds bitter (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Why not take Six of these as well to let us know the efficacy of this street drug?

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Re: Panicsucks (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

What state do u live in?

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Re: Task rx THE TRUTH (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Really? Because I live in Oklahoma and everyone that doesn't need them gets them, so then ppl like me that really need them for my panic disorder and Agoraphobia plus PTSD don't get them prescribed. So plz tell me how.

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The legitimate ones are prescribed by a licensed physician and are filled at a reputable pharmacy.

Those bought off the street are generally all counterfeit.

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Re: Sounds bitter (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Actually the ones with GG at the top then a line and a 2 underneath, then another line and a 4 (that isn’t connected at the top of the four ) , then another line and a 9 on the bottom ( the bottom of the nine isnt curved like the one in this message ) … and if the pill reads from top to bottom (vertical) not from left to right (horizontal) and is blank on the back… then the pill is real . You can google it

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Re: Relle (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

Somehow I wouldn't just want to Google a pill to absolutely decide if its real or not?

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Re: Maricica (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

You must have never gotten a bad brand from your pharmacy to give such a stupid response.

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Re: Your (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Nothing "stupid" about her reply? You sound like a real moron

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Yes, they are real.

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There's different types but it doesn't sound right at all. One thing I do look at is if it dissolves very quickly in water. The counterfeit ones don't. I don't know, just please be careful. It's really a Russian Roulette and it's a shame that people will do that to others when they're at their worst. Life is more worth living than taking a pill and I can say that it's no easy task to not be addicted.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Sandoz Pharmaceuticals does not have the two on the back I forgot which pharmaceutical company does but it says Xanax on the front the X's should be just a little bit larger and precisely in each box on either end they should be indented and not flat the lettering if you look it up there's a lot of other things to go by but I've never seen a Sandoz Pharmaceutical gg249 with two on the back it's flat and nothing's on the back that from the pharmacy

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