Any Advise On Holistic Healing?


I seriously would like to stop taking these prescription drugs. My E,N.T. did an ultra sound and found spasms from my vocal cords down to my esophagus.I have been using prescription drugs, that have made me very sick, . Tried every kind RX & specialest to acurpucture. Their diagnosis is P.T.S.D. from Katrina. Nothing has worked so far.. So perhaps it should be holistic?

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Any one , know about natural herbs, to replace antidepresant, Wellbutrin?

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stillsearching, I did respond to your other question in another post on here.

The only herbal remedies that I am familiar with that may help are St. John's Wort and Valerian Root.

St. John's Wort has been known for its antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects for many years, however, it cannot be taken with a prescription antidepressant, because it can cause bad interactions with is, such as Seratonin Syndrome.

But you can learn more about it here:


Valerian is often used for its calming effects on the nerves and to help with problems sleeping.


As to any other holistic treatments, I would suggest seeing if there is someone in your area that practices it, they can probably provide you with a lot more advice and information.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Verwon, Many thanks, for your knowledge & help. I do understand firs i have to slowly back off of the drugs I presently am using.

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