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It is a steroid called Oxydrol 50Mg or street named Anadrol. It is the most powerful bodybuilding steroid on the market. Used for the bulking cycle. ## Hello, Just to confirm, the green square pill with the BD 50 imprint is indeed Oxydrol (50 mg). It contains the active ingredient Oxymetholone and is also referred to as "British Dragon". Is there any other information you are seeking in regards to this pill? Learn More: Oxymetholone Details ## My dog ate a few of these, is he going to be ok? ## The ones I have are square and not rounded corners ## The ones I have are square green 50 on one side and BD split down the middle on the other

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I got light green triangular pills with GP on one side and a line on the other are they steroids? ## I got the same ones, have u found out the answer ## Researching these on the internet leads me to believe that they may be Anadrol (unsure of the dosage though). I did find out that the manufacturer of various-colored triangle pills with 'GP' embedded on one side and a score line on the other is reported to be Geneza Pharmaceuticals (hence the GP). However, one issue is that I haven't been able to locate any specific contact details to reach this manufacturer directly - which makes me wonder if they are actually still in business or even a trustworthy company with physical address information. The FDA did approve this steroid and gives it clinical use for treating anemia, ost...

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buddy has some PRO LAB anadrol but there round thin edge and light purple are they real ## The first red flag I'm noticing upon looking up information on ProLab Pharmaceuticals is that they don't have any sort of presence online when you google them. No website and just a bunch of "uncertain" customer reviews who don't know if what they have from them is real or not....Sounds to me like they scammed a lot of people. So based on my findings I'm led to believe that it's more than likely fake. Not to mention, Pro Lab is a pretty common name nowadays, whereas it seems dozens of different companies pop up when you run a search for the 'Pro Lab' name. Take it for what it's worth, but I haven't found any reason to trust that pill.

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I just filled a prescription of what is supposed to be anadrol 50 orals. But I'm unable to verify this by their appearance. They are small round plain white pills with no imprints, just a single straight line scored across one side. Supposedly Biotech brand. Can anyone confirm that they are? ## I'm not sure how you'd get confirmation that you received what you ordered, especially since they have no markings. Have you tried double checking with the company you ordered from? ## There are so many different countries that make different steroids. My opinion is find a doctor you know you can trust. ## Bud, I received the same plain white pill with a line on one side claiming to be 50mg Anadrol from biotech. Did you ever verify the pill is what they claim it to be? ## Same here......

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Silver package with red print says steris Laboratories it's supposed. To be. Anadrol. 50 mg.(oxymetholone ## Hi mike33, From what I could gather, Steris Laboratories is reported to be a legitimate company here in the US; however depending on who or where you got the pills from, there's always the possibility of counterfeits...Especially if it came from Mexico, since that's considered to be where a lot of these fake steroids are sourced from in order to fill increasing street demands. What I find even stranger though, is when I go to look on Steris Laboratories webpage, they don't actually list any of the products they allegedly manufacture; prescription or otherwise. What I found instead was a list of surgical equipment and sterilization services. Did you order this onli...

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Green square pill with BP on one side and plain on the other with no slash on either side ## Sorry DP and no score ## Hi kirkout, Based on the description provided, the closest match I'm finding is a red square pill marked with DP on one side and blank on the other. This particular pill is identified as an anabolic steroid by the name of Anavar (Oxandrolone) 20 mg. I know there is also a steroid company called British Dragon who uses the "BP" imprint you first mentioned. So odds are it is probably a steroid of some kind. But whether your marking is BP or DP, it may still be difficult to determine exactly what this contains, since there are very little resources available for identifying them. Is this something you bought online or got from a friend? ## I just found this very...

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Purchased anadrol 50 .. Come in package from anabolicpharma say adrol a50. The pills are white, round, no scoring or any type of marking.. Have you seen or heard if these are legit.. ## According to a number of reviews I found, AnabolicPharma products are reported to be a scam. Some experience steroid users have also clearly stated in other threads that they would never take a chance ordering from them. Reviews like this speak for themselves I believe, and I wouldn't suggest taking a chance with it to be quite honest with you. Also the fact that it doesn't have any kind of marking or imprint on the tablet is another red flag in my book. If you are really interested in trying steroids, it would probably be best to do a ton of self- research first to truly be able to understand wh...

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square, scored, green pill. Scored side of pill has a 'B' and a 'D' ( BD ) on it, and the other side of the pill has the number 50 on it. ## does anyone know what type of medication this is? square, scored, green pill with the number 50 on one side and the letters BD on the other side of the pill. ## Thailand british dispensary anadrol 50. The most potent and dangerous anabolic steroid made. ## Green square pill with imprint 50 bd on it . I'm sure it's a steroid of some type. Can you show a picture? ## Hello, Just to confirm, the green square pill with the BD 50 imprint is indeed an anabolic steroid known as Oxydrol (50 mg). It contains the active ingredient Oxymetholone and is also referred to as "British Dragon". You can learn more about this drug on th...

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Hello, I got pills which are round in shape, light pink colour and there is a logo of triangle with letter n inside the triangle. Can someone tell me what is this pill? ## I am sorry, I've been hunting on several sites and used several resources, but I cannot pinpoint what this is. Are there any other markings? If not, then I can only guess it is something over the counter. Was it found in the U.S.? ## Hello, I purchases 30 Anadrol pills. They are round in shape and light pink in colour. On the pill there is a triangle, inside the triangle there is a letter n in it. I was wondering if anyone can tell me that it's an anadrol or what pill is it? ## This sounds like a suboxyn, ## This sounds like a suboxyn which is a pill used for people with a heroine addiction it helps them with ...

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Hello, I purchases 30 Anadrol pills. They are round in shape and light pink in colour. On the pill there is a triangle, inside the triangle there is a letter n in it. I was wondering if anyone can tell me that it's an anadrol or what pill is it? ## Well, since these are not legal in the U.S., being an anabolic steroid, the ones from foreign sources are not listed in the prescription drug databases. I cannot find any positive IDs or images for this imprint. Do you know who the manufacturer is supposed to be? This information may help us to narrow it down and confirm whether or not you received what you ordered. ## Did you ever find out what your pills were? I have 30 anadrol pills too with a similar description but I am also not sure what they REALLY are... Mine are small, round, pin...

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Small Square Pink Pill With SM On One Side Thanx ## The pink pill square with SM, should be Anadrol, a anabolic steriod. ## If its hot pink its anavar. If its a darker pink its anadrol. Make sure you don't Mix that up. ## i bought some of these believing they were anavar 20 mg.. but after taking them for two weeks i certainly dont believe they were anavar,, 1, i didnt get the mild stomach cramps that anavar usually causes, 2, i put on about six pounds in 2 weeks, 3, my sex drive went through the roof 4, i felt very edgy and nervous like when you have too much caffine.. i stopped taking them because it was obvious that it wasnt anavar ,,,from what ive researched on the web i think that they are more likely to be anadrol,, but i cant be certain

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anabolic ## Sorry, this is not listed in the drug databases, so I cannot find information on it. ## what are the side effects of oxymethobol.can we used it for penis enlargement ## The use of oxymethobol or anadrol ia highly recommended by me, by a variety of different reasons. It is hands down the best bulking/strength enhancing compound yet to date. As for you're erections, it increases red blood cells, so... yea.... It'll give you a bigger, harder, erection. However, the side-effects are severe. Depression, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy all occur on the wild ride we know as anadrol. I recommend a dosage not less then 50 mg's per day (and thats if you're a small guy) some people go 150-200mg's per day!!! ## I am in the army and Im researching anabol before hand. ...

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I got some anadrol from endosyn and they are green and round no imprint. Are these real? ## I'm sorry but they sound bad. I used to have 200 mg. Anadrol/Oxymethalone pills and they were small and white. I might also add that they kicked butt and increase the human bodies muscle capacity through the roof!

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I found a small bag of pills that are salmon in color and round, a little height to them like a cylander, but not that all, just enough to have flat sides but circular from the top. They have XO on the or OX and are blank on the other side. What are these? ## I was told they are Anadrol 50 pills, i have been taking one pill for the last three days, little weight increase so far, if you try tasting it a little it should taste real chalky medicine like, almost bitter and the red should wear off. I'm still second guessing what they are.

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It has the letter ax on it and is green diamond shaped I was told it was anadrol ... ## It is possible, there is a company that makes them and uses the AX logo. I cannot confirm the exact ingredients, though, because they use this logo on all their pills and I saw several that are green that contain different steroids. Is anyone else familiar with these products?

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my grandson is taking adarol,he is having trits of the mouth and body movements,also has became depressed is this commom? ## Depression is a more serious side effect while taking Anadrol. I would contact the physician that prescribed your son anadrol. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questios or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Crystal, I think the original post is talking about the medication Adderall - this is commonly prescribed to children for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or narcolepsy, whereas Anadrol is actually a steroid. More details about Adderall, including side effects with children can be seen at: Please post back to confirm if this is the correct medication which you are speaking of...

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