Adderall Random Pill Count And Urine


Ive been taking adderall for over four years now and today out of the blue I get a call to come in Monday for a pill count and urine. I never had to do this before is this a new policy everywhere or am I being targeted? I have no problem going in but it screws up my work day now I have to figure out how to leave eArly. I just don't get it

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This is becoming increasingly common and it's due to the FDA crackdowns to gain better control of such substances that are commonly abused.

Most doctors need to random checks now on a certain percentage of their patients.

Learn more Adderall details here.

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Oh ok Ty very much for responding I've been freaking out thinking it was something they were suspecting i did or didn't do. I thought you had a contract you had to sign for something like this but I guess not.

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