7 5 Imprint, Stick Figure Like Imprint On Other Side, Thick White Round Pill,


Was told this was Percocet. 7.5 imprint on one side and what almost looks to be a stick figure on the other side. Not scored. I've never seen this before. Does anyone know?

3 Replies

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Hello, Deenie! How are you?

No, there are no Percocet tablets in the U.S. databases that match this description, nor anything else.

However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you.

Does anyone else recognize this tablet?

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hello...i actually was.told they are percocet...i have 10 of them myself and was told the same thing.hope i can help

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Hi Mike...thanks for the response. Have you taken any? I took one and it didnt seem to have any effect on me.

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