2089 V Not As Effective!!! (Page 2)


I've been on xanax for over two years and have had multiple different drug makers for the generic form of this pill. The maker of this particular pill, Qualitest, is the absollute worst. I've had to take three times the amount of pills to feel the same way I do on any other manufactureres pill. It's so bad that we took the bottle back to the pharmacy and told them they can just throw them out becaue it's garbage. Please don't accept xanax from the maker Qualitest. I promise you will be dissapointed!!

37 Replies (2 Pages)

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Hands down, Qualitest 5mg Vicodin/Hydrocodone beats Mallinkrodts all day. If you read Bluelight, Qualitest 7.5 is considered one of the best....some rate it even better than Watson's. Mallies are simply terrible....never had a complaint about Qualitest....

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Mallinkrodts are awful. I'd compare one 10mg M365 to 1 5mg Qualitest. Mallies are so full of filler that it isn't even funny....!!!!

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I to have also been switched to these alprozolam generics and I have had the worst month I've I had in a long time. These pills particularly the blue football 1mg are not as effective as any other brand I have ever taken. I have been taking then since I was 22 and am now 43. There is definatley somthing wrong or missing from these pills.

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Your damn right greenstone is the best lab for xanax especially if there the 1mg or bars

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I have Kaiser in SoCal and I still get the Mals, not Quals for my Norco 10/325... It looks like we ALL have different reactions to diff brands!! I can only use Mals or Watsons!!!! The Quals suck balls!!!

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Reference complaint on Qualitest manufactured forms of Alprazolam. Do your research!! First ask the Pharmacist, "you want to see the bottle the alprazolam come out of from his shelf" Second, Massive Mergers by kingpin manipulators, in the pharmaceutical field, are always merging, FIND OUT THE PARENT COMPANY, IS THE PARENT COMPANY FOREIGN?
Ask for the National Drug Code number, before you leave the pharmacy...at one time...Qualitest, used Extended Release tablets of generic Xanax, NDC was
00603-2131-20 for blisters of 60 of the 0.5 mg. + NDC
code was 00603-2132-20 for one mg extended release alprazolam, NDC code for 2 mg was 00603-2133-20, + 3mg extended release Alprazolam was NDC code
00603-2134-20, all in blister strips, or bottles. Third, ask the pharmacist, you want to know the FDA Orange Book Rating. No 1 is AA and No 2 is AB, and, the codes run a total of 18, in decending order, before you leave the pharmacy..IMHO Greenstone have had the best generic quality for original instant release generic Xanax, since 1995. I have not tested out a Greenstone alprazolam since July of 2996. Things can change. Fourth, I would certainly avoid the deep discounters, such as Costco, and WalMart pharmacies, as they are w*****, and will buy the absolutely cheapest below REDBOOK price on a contract, notorious for this, without any sincerity for quality care. It is about sales and money.Fourth, do all of the checking you can with the internet, and the finanacial background investigation firm, for since the 1860's, called
Dun & Bradstreet, if necessary, order a report on Qualitest, to find out who owns what, who is the parent company, has there been any mergers, or has the tradename been licensed out to a mooch cheap pharma company, Fifth, try Hoovers.com another background investigation company, that details the corporate finances. Many of these companies are public traded companies, you can also check out
Bloomberg's Stock Reports, or, Standard & Poors, which used to keep manual reports in urban public libraries, although, with the internet, you may need to aski for help, to find the catalog, once keep in nearly all University and large city/urban libraries, for background information, for your question...what has happened to the product quality of Qualitest? Finally, as a last resort, befriend, a local middle aged pharmacist, preferably a owner/operator, to get some answers, as the CVS, Walmart, Rite Aid, Albertson's Robot young
training pharmacy tech's will be of little help IMHO
You can use these techniques with any prescribed drug you question the quality of, but you give away your power, once you walk out that retail store, and pay for the prescription, without any answers. IMHO, the USA Pharmacy trade retail, in general, has turned into a bunch of crooks. LEAN on the owner/operators in small towns, who are about to retire, is your best bet.
Foreign pharmaceutical firms who built up their firms by selling to 3rd world countries, have now infiltrated,the former USA market, a striking example is
Ranbaxy of India, Teva, and Cipro. Another US firm to run away from is Torrent Pharmaceuticals. There are others. Smith Kline & French /Smith Kline Beecham/Glaxo Smith Kline, Shire US, Eli Lilly, are not the "Father Know Best" and Dr. Welby firms, they were 30 years ago, they are selling out many of their products, to licensee's with a reduction in quality, in a
alarming number of cases, and the prices, have sky-rocketed. It is all about making a fast buck. No integrity.
The FDA, DEA, World Health Organization, etc, have bought off some M.D's to be on their "Board" to diffuse the consumer attacks, of practicing medicine without a license, I call prostitution. Politics in Pharmacy is crooked.................Just my 2 cents worth.

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Listen up people: When I use Mallinckrodt hydrocodone and compare it to Watson or Qualitest hydrocodone I am disappointed. It takes roughly twice as many milligrams of Mallinckrodt to give the same effect as Watson or Qualitest Vicodin, and the Mallinckrodt Vicodin high feels "unclean" like the buzz is offset by some other chemicals. However, when I take the mallinckrodt vicodin and do a cold water extraction, being left with only hydrocodone and none of the s*** fillers mallinckrodt puts in their pills, I am VERY pleased. When filtered, the Mallinckrodt pills feel just like the Watson or Qualitest pills that ARE NOT filtered.

Anyone speculate on why Mallinckrodt pills are s***? I could understand a little discrepancy when comparing brands, but the Mallinckrodt brand is just grossly ineffective at producing the buzz that hydrocodone is designed to give. Despite this forum's majority of saying Qualitest is a good 5mg Vicodin, it's still better than the 357's....!!!!

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Go to a different pharmacy two pharmacys right across the street from each other could have completely different distributorscall a couple pharmacies and make sure they don't have the qualitest ones and then get them there as a consumer you have the right to choose

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Sigh ... Well if your insufflating them OBVIOUSLY you wouldn't notice because sometimes the problem is the way the pill is digested. Ugh

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My pharmacist changed my Losartan to one made by Qualitest and my BP has skyrocketed. Anyone else have the same results. My doctor doubled my dosage to 100mg and it came down to 180/70....still very bad. Anyone else have the same results? Would appreciate your input to convince my doc to change my prescription.

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I got Quailtest Xanax 1 mg, they told me it was the same brand but the company had changed colors? Sandoz is what I've been getting. Lately,
I started noticing, that burning on my mouth, nausea, and gastric pain and the pill didn't work, then I noticed blood in my urine, red stringy blood clots, I'm 61 years old, have taken Xanax for 17 years, they started me on it, because my young healthy 45 year old husband had Acute Leukemia, so not sure what other brands I've taken, I started investigating this pills, that were so dark blue! I thought they mixed up, and gave me another medicine for someone else! I am very careful, because, I've had 2 bleeding gastric ulcers, and can not physically or emotionally, have anymore! The Doctor doesn't write what generic you get, my brother is a pharmacist that's retired, and I'm disabled, but was an RN for 25 plus years in ICU!

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Everything you wrote, is the absolute truth.......it's called integrity ! Thank you from a nurse that does her home work for 25 years

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You said, it all, to me, medicines coming here from foreign places, is like having a regulated Meth lab, you have no idea, how it's being made!
It's all about the dollar not integrity!

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Ditto! I just had my bad experience and I've taken them for 17 years, sure other name brands , but I never had a physical reaction from them, at first thought the doctor gave me the wrong medicine after investigating, it was Quailtest! Took me a full day to fight, my pharmacist about changing them, the bottle said Sandoz, but they finally told me it was Quailtest, my side effects are as follows, severe mouth burns, sore throat, bloody stringy clots in my urine, no other urinary symptoms, nausea and vomiting, and a pill I bought that's done this to me, that doesn't work!
I also have the Nausea after taking!

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Alll Qualitest products I have received were considerably weaker and unless you check at the store you cannot return it. I now ask when I drop off an Rx.
There is an FDA site to leave the info

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Hey I just moved from Peru I take 8mg of alprazolam a day. I don't know where to find any! Any samples? Or where do I get?

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Same thing is happening with Rhodes mfg. Just putting a warning out there about bad manufacturing.

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