Metoprolol & Hair Loss (Page 8)


I have been taking 200 mg. a day for about 4 years. I thought it was a coincidence that I've lost 50% of my hair during this time because I am also going through menopause. I just found out that it is possible the hair loss is caused by metoprolol, so my doctor just wrote me a RX for a different drug. Will my hair grow back? It was very long, down to my waist, but I've been cutting it to compensate for the thinness. I just touch my head and lose a few hairs! Any ideas?

165 Replies (9 Pages)

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I wish I had a good doctor like you seem to have! He followed your case. My doctor said my hair loss was due to obesity!

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I emailed been takeno 200 mg for 9 months and loosing hair ever since I can seeasily my scalp. I use to have thick hair. My Dr wants me to stay on it, said I can get a wig. I'd like to make him take it. I feel for you alitho I glad to hear someone else has same problem. He tresponded to tell me it wasn't that.

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I noticed my hair was thinning after being on metroprol 50mg daily for a couple months. My hair dresser confirmed it today! Have a call into the doctor to change it!

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What is the best medicine for hair loss caused by taking too much metropolol?

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I lost some hair as I started 50mg of toprol. I found out it was or could be because of this drug. I went to a dermatologist, he told me to start using Rogain for women, I did and I also stopped the drug for a few weeks. Then I started taking 50mg only of toprol. I used Rogain very faithful for four months. I can tell you truthfully I now have hair that has grown in and is full, and healthy. In fact it is a bit curly. I cannot tell you if it was the Rogain, or the fact the it was a temporary loss from stress or some other factor, but I am very satisfied from the results.

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I hope someone reads this message . I am shocked to say the least about metoprolol. I have been taking it for about 2 years and my hair is falling out . It is so thin I am embarrassed about it so I have been wearing a wig. OMG. I wish I had know this sooner. I pray it grows back. Taking this med for SVT. Calling Dr, tomorrow.

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I''ve taken Toprol and Metroprolol since about 2005. It was a very stressful time and I had palpatations as well as elevated blood pressure. Hair has been falling out since then and if I didn't have a huge amount I'd have been bald. I'm on prp therapy cause now you can see scalp in some areas. I went off the drugs gradually myself one year for about 8-10 months. My hair was still shedding. I think once it starts it's hard to stop or the drugs didn't do it in my case. Was also premenopausal. I wish it did. This has changed the last 12 years of my life. Crossing fingers prp therapy will help a bit.

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You said your doctor gave you a substitute drug. I have the same concern and would like another drug. What drug did your doctor give you instead?

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I was placed on metoprolol tartrate in late 2009. By Autumn 2017 my hair was falling out in patches and I suffered premature aging, face, neck, legs, and arms. I recall going into a beauty store in a panic attempting to find some "miracle" for the aging. I requested a different High Blood Pressure medication when my hair began falling out and was weaned off the metoprolol. Since l was taken off the medication, I have regained hair but only by using an expensive treatment that, once started, must be continued. My face is "improved" but still resembles a road map. I have attained my previous energy level but only after eight months - plus pounding water all eight months. I have spent money to improve my appearance which I should not have had to pay. Luckily, no "apparent" health effects but I'm so much better off this medication than on it.

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Re: John (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Did u experience any problems when u stopped metoprolol and did your Dr have u replace metoprolol with another medication?

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I don’t know anything about this drug, but I lost my hair from gabapentin or acyclovir, and after I stopped taking them I bought this hair serum from a company called “Grow Gorgeous”. They sell it at CVS, Ulta, and online at Amazon, etc. After one bottle I had so much new growth my hairdresser thought someone had cut a chunk of my hair out. I am 45 so I thought mine might have been age as well. It didn’t work for my friend, but you will know after the first bottle if it is worth continuing. I put it on my scalp at night. I think it’s called hair thickening serum now, but it may be “hair growth serum” still. It’s a clear red/brown color.

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Re: Carolyn (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

Is Rogaine a prescription medication or can I buy it over the counter? You guessed it! I’m on metoprolol and losing hair.

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Take MSM with L Taurine and vitamin C mixed in a glass of non chlorinated water powder form on all 3, make sure it is 100% pure. It is sold on ebay and very inexpensive. It also has many other benefits and it grows hair. It takes a few months to see results on hair growth but it will also detox your body of metals and other Toxic stuff. Keep an eye on your blood pressure as Taurine can lower BP. THERE is lots of info on these amino acids and food sulfurs.

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Re: Alex (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

Yes but not clear on the name of the product that will cause you hair to grow back. I am embarrassed at the way my hair is thinning.

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Re: Suz (# 148) Expand Referenced Message

MSM IS methylsulfonylmethane-msm, L-Taurine is just call Taurine and Ascorbic Acid is vitamin C, which acts as a driver to take these amino acids to every cell in your body. Start with half a dose or 500 MG daily increase weekly to 1000 mg daily, it will make you go to the bathroom a lot until your body is detox.

Don't take it near the time of medication 2hours prior or two hours later, as MSM can neutralize medications, chemo therapy etc.
I take it before breakfast then wait a few hours before I take any medication.

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I am taking Metoprolol Tartrate (50 mg twice a day) and Quinapril/Accupril (40 mg twice a day). I seem to be experiencing hair loss and hair thinning. Would taking these two drugs cause hair loss? If so, will I eventually lose all of my hair? Thank you for your help.

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Which drugs can replace metoprolol for rapid heart rate that won’t cause hail loss?

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Re: Verwon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for this! My cardiologist said my hair loss couldn’t be the cause of my hair loss

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Wow that is a high dose! I had long hair and after heart surgery my doctor prescribed 25 mg, low dose. My hair rapidly fell out and became very thin. My cardiologist denied the hair loss was the result of this drug. He said I could stop it, that I didn’t need it anymore. I am taking Biotin but it will take months to come back. Call your doctor and ask to get off it,

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Re: Judy (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree, the pharmaceutical reps peddling this crap with free lunches are to blame! My doctor said hair loss is not a side effect! It most certainly is! When I pushed back he took me off it. Don’t blindly trust your doctor! Do your own research. I reported it as an adverse event

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