I Need Information On What This Pill Is An What It Does.


IT's a white, round pill 1/4 in in size, smooth on one side, 2C above a line 16 under the line

2 Replies

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Based on the description provided, I've identified your white round pill as Paroxetine HCL (20 mg).

NOTE: the "2" is actually a "Z"

Manufacturer: Zydus Pharmaceuticals
National Drug Code (NDC): 68382-0098

Paroxetine is used to treat major depression, obsessive-compulsive, panic, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorders in adult outpatients.

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Paroxetine Details

I hope this info helps!

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They absolutely still make the yellow norcos, I just got mine filled 2 days ago and they are yellow.

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need information on what this pill is an what it does

white, round 1/4 in in size, smooth on one side, 2C above a line 16 under the line ## Hi Connie, Based on the descriptio...