Hydrocodone V 3604


Can I mix a Watson 5 m with a 10m muscle relaxer

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Yes if you are going to bed I usually take a norco 5 mg and flexer 10 mg but it knock me out guess it depends on your tolerance to each

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Hello, Bob! How are you?

It depends on which muscle relaxant it is and whether or not your doctor approves. There may be some risks associated with some of them, when mixed.

The FDA classifies Hydrocodone/APAP as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Which one do you take?

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Listen people, this is a Shout Out to each and every one who has been prescribed these particular pain pills. For whatever reason, by whatever Doctor, by whatever shape, color, mg. Or Number stamped. Original/Generic thereof. The particulars I'm referring to in the pain pill is Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen. First introduced as (5/500) Vicodin *white oval-scored. Hydrocodone has ONLY 3 strengths (5mg./7.5mg./10mg.)+ a % 500/325mg. Acetaminophen included.
Pill Classification: Opiate
20 years prescribed. No questions, no posts, no problems. It's been a little over a year now.The Reason for all the problems, tweets, and posts. They Stopped making the above mentioned. They've changed the Makeup, and the Classification. It's no longer Hydrocodone. It's Hydrocodone-Bitartrate. It's no longer an Opiate. It's a Anagelsic. That should take care of ALL QUESTIONS.

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