Hydrocodone Side Effect: Pin-point Pupils


Thank you for this very supportive forum! I hope someone can ease my worried mind. I had wrist surgery ten days ago during which time a titanium plate and screws were attached to the broken bone(s). I was prescribed Hydrocodone/Acetominopen (5/325) for pain, but used only six of the 20 tablets during the past ten days. I've had pin-point pupils since that time --which I hope can be attributed to the Hydrocodone. Is it possible that using six tablets in ten days could cause this side effect? If so, how long can I expect this condition to last? Incidentally, I called my pharmacy today, the surgeon's office, and my primary care doctor --and no one knew that Hydrocodone could cause pin-point pupils. My GP wants me to see him on Monday so he can order neurologic testing!

Please help! I don't want to expose my body to even more radiation as I've had three nuclear stress tests, a barium swallow, several chest x-rays, ct scans and numerous mammograms in the past.

I would very much appreciate hearing about the personal experience of others. I've found this forum to be much more helpful than any of the "professional" advice I've received thus far. (If ay medical professionals have contributed, please ignore my last sentence.)

Thank you sincerely!

3 Replies

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Hello, Sue! How are you?

Narcotics can cause that, but usually only while under the influence of them. They shouldn't stay that way, when you haven't taken any. Thus, the testing might be a good idea, just to be safe.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hi Verwon!
I saw my primary care physician this morning, and he said my pupils were equal and reactive to light. He didn't note any abnormalities, but he asked me to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist this week for a slit lamp examination --to be on the safe side. I'll make the call tomorrow to arrange it. If you'd like, I'll let you know the results. It was very nice of you to respond. Thank you again!

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Oh good, that's good news! And yes, please keep me updated! Good luck, Sue!

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