How Long Does 10mg Valium Stay In Your Urine


I only took a valium once and I never take them I just had a problem sleeping my husband is working out of town so I've been tossing and turning,well a friend have me a valium to help me sleep, it was a 10mg but I have 26 days till I take a drug test well it be out of my systems?

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On took 1 10 mg of valume how ling will itt take to come out ty

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How long does midazolam stay in urine.I took 30 mg, yesterday.will it clear by friday.

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Most fast acting benzo's are eliminated in 5 - 7 days generally speaking.General health, concurrent medications,and drug history can substantially alter the excretion
Process and add to the time needed to test negatively via standard urinalysis.

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