Accutane Long Term Side Effects (Page 88)


I have a son that took accutane 60 mg a day for six months in a row three years ago. Now after many trips to doctors over strange medical problems, it seems accuatne is the culprit medication that has caused servere joint and muscle pain, severe dry lips, redness in face, eye infections of own immune system attacking itself, systems of osteoarthritis in both shoulders, both wrist and right hand, blood in stool, possible hair loss, abnormal liver function test results in AST and ALT. My son went from being a high school football and track athlete while taking this medication three years ago to someone that is in constant pain just washing a car. After I have researched this drug extensively, I can't believe that the FDA allows this drug originally made for cancer patients to be marketed for teenagers with acne. All one has to do is look online what vitamin A overdose does to someone and then you have the results of what this medication has done to my son. This drug needs to be taken off them market ASAP and the drug companies that make it need to compensate all teenagers that they have possible ruined their future. Shame on them! What is going on here?

1933 Replies (97 Pages)

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Yes, accutane is devastating to all the mucosal membranes in the human body, it dries and cracks those tissues systemically. Accutane is a retinoid. Have you ever put a retinoid on your skin? Can you imagine taking this internally in pill form? Accutane goes after the intestines (chrons, colitis, Inflammatory bowel disease all were in litigation), bladder (interstitial cystitis and chronic).

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Hi, I took this drug 20 plus years ago and nowhere on the literature did it say if you take there may be a risk of getting ulcerative colitis later on in your life, im 34 now, and had my bowel removed 3 years ago, with no chance yet of a reversal. It's only recently since the company roche had one legal case after another filed against them, that they removed the drug in the US and started to warn people of the more serious side effects. I for one believe this drug is dangerous otherwise why else would they now be getting patients to sign before taking it, I wish I had been given the the warnings now available to this generation. There should be a lawyer to take on cases such ad mine but as of yet I haven't found one. Please someone let me know if you know of one, as I feel I'm owed something from the company that turned a fit and healthier marathon runner / personal trainer into a former shadow of himself.

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My daughter was on accutane for a year in 2008 and now is disabled. She is 21 and has severe joint and muscle pain and swelling, rashes, iritis, fatigue, at times neuropathy.

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Melissa, I took isotretinoin when I was sixteen. Within a couple of months of taking it, I too was diagnosed with aplastic anemia and had to go through a bone marrow transplant. I'm very sorry to hear that your son did not have a successful outcome. I'm 2 years post transplant and luckily healthy. I'd be interested in hearing from you about what happened to your son, and any research into isotretinoin-induced aplastic anemia you may have carried out. Sorry if this brings up bad memories.

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I took the generic form of Accutane (Claravis) in 2010. I suffered the usual side effects while on it dry lips, sensitive skin, joint/muscle pain. The dermatologist prescribed 1.5 mg/kg/day with a cumulative dosage of 270 mg/kg for 6 months for a few pimples behind my ears. The dermatologist reassured me over and over that all of the side effects were temporary. Within one month of stopping, I developed digestive problems, dry hair, dry skin, deep wrinkles, ankle pain, back pain, shoulder pain, fatigue, tinnitus, early periods, basically accelerated aging. All of these side effects are still here with me today and don't look to be "temporary" anymore. I just found out that I am post-menopausal based on my latest blood work. There is no reason to go through premature menopause that I can think of except...oh yea this chemo treatment that I was given for a few pimples back in 2010. Unbelievable, this treatment ruined any chance of having my own child. The effects of this drug are worse than acne. Acne doesn't cause joint pain, digestive problems, dry skin/hair, hair loss, brittle nails, accelerated aging, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, low libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility, osteopenia, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, etc. Acne doesn't kill your organs, your colon, your ovaries. This drug kills!

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Hello Everyone,

It was 6 years ago as of yesterday I remember starting this post in such an emotional wreck over concerns for my son that developed blood in his stool on his 6 month of treatment with Amnesteem (generic Accutane). Although Ryan will never have the health he had before being prescribed this poisonous drug, the response from everyone on here has help me cope and educate me to be able to be here for my son as much as a parent could be. The remarks left by others who have lost their child to suicide and have shared their story's of their love ones have brought me to tears many times along with the hopelessness some feel after we have found out we have been no more than a guinea pig for BIG PHARMA to make billions from these drugs. For those of you reading this post for the first time, please take a deep breath and read some of the remarks left by some that have very helpful remarks with that will help you along this very unexpected unwanted physical and emotional journey. May God Bless !

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I can't believe you were put on that high a dose, your derm should be in jail. Seriously, f*** this drug and scum who push on young people while lying about its safety. Something must be done about this poison.

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Don't take it messed me up

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As I read other posts here, I see several other side effects I now suffer, including intestinal problems and tinitus.

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Yes! After going through an awful 6 month round of accutane i now have the worst stomach issues ever. It seems some days no matter what i eat i have severe stomach pain & i go through a bottle of pepto in a matter of days! I am also dealing with going through early menopause & find that this is also linked to the drug. Anyone who has had to deal with the physical & emotional pain of acne knows that a cure sounds like a piece of heaven. However had i only known what i would go through after i may have quickly changed my mind. I personally think that it shouldnt even be offered as an option. Even knowing some of the side effects the temptation to be free from acne clouds really thinking the side effects through. I mean after all we all pretty much think "that can't happen to me". I've learned the hard way that if it says a 1% chance guess what... someone had to be the 1% & it might be you! Again the side effects i am now experiencing i had no idea about! Not a clue! It is good to know that i am not alone in this!

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I have the same question. My 17 y.o. started Accutane and just finished day six. Dr. started him at 80 mg/day which pharmacist said "seems a little high". By day four he had the flaking skin, scalp dry lips and glazed looking eyes. By day five his eyes were both pink. We had read all the literature and assumed these were "normal" side effects that we were willing to take on /endure. By chance, my son had an eye appt. today - routine - no eye problems - it had just been a long time and thought we should get his eyes examined during summer break. Dr. said he has cataracts in both eyes and said he would stop Accutane immediately; that my son was not a good candidate for it. I am so grateful we had that appt. today - otherwise, we would have continued with the Accutane, not even knowing the risk re: exacerbating cataracts... Eye Dr. said he'd "never seen anything like it". He wants to see my son in another 3 months. Said there is probably a congenital reason, but he would not take a chance with Accutane. I called the dermatologists office and only got to speak with an assistant who said the Dr. told her that my son "would not be experiencing any side effects this early after only 6 days on generic Accutane". BUT... no apology or concern shown at all that there is published info re: accutane and cataracts. We were not aware of this at all. The assistant said the Dr. would call us - we never heard a peep from her. So, now I'm wondering just how it will take to get this poison out of my son's system as well... He is handling this so well - He is so tired of the cysts/acne, but agreed that taking Accutane just isn't worth it... Not from all that we've read (and yet the dermatologist pushed and pushed for it, telling us how she even put her own son on it... Well, good for her. I'd rather love my sweet boy as he is with a face full of acne than know his health is in jeopardy or that he may have life-long side effects from this drug. WHY are they even allowed to prescribe this???

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May I start by offering my condolences to all of you that have had your life's ruined by this poison, in a way it makes me glad to know I'm not alone but sick because I know your suffering. For the last year my life has been horrific. I've had numerous health problems, complications and overall deterioration since taking this and the shock of dealing with it all concluded in me trying to kill myself last week, and so I'm now locked in a psychiatric unit. In the space of a year I've lost 20 kilos which I assume is from the chronic dehydration that crept up on me, I've had dry itchy burning skin all over, pain in all joints to a point where I feel as if I've been hit by a truck, constipation, bloated bladder, flushed thin skin, hair loss, fatigue and crippling weakness, horrific blurred vision accompanied by itchy dry eyes, headaches, nausea, tinnitus, brain fog and that's without going on about black baggy eyes wrinkles, circulation that's that bad my feet swell hands and back swell. It's devastating to think that just because I wanted to improve my self esteem and trusted a professional doctor my life is now destroyed, I feel as if my body is aged to a point of no return, my mum and dad try to understand but they can't fully, I mean how can they, they're not in my body and never will be. It's a surreal feeling of waking up everyday and been trapped, been repeatedly punished for a mistake you made, not just been punished physically but mentally, everyday thinking what if and blaming yourself. It bothers me when I here of Sick and twisted people that rape and murder children, steal from the elderly, kill drink driving, get addicted to coke for years and still never have to suffer like we have and continue to, Scott if you read this I would like to find a way of communicating with your son I am 20 and feel that it would be greatly beneficial to speak to someone who understands this hell, and to anyone please let me know a way of communicating with someone. For the last 6 months I have continually thought about the life I used to lead and it makes me happy to know at least I spent that time doing things that made me happy I no longer can I just wish I had cherished those moments for longer. Lately I've found myself thinking about having children or settling down in the future it bothers me because these are things I know I will miss out on in the future, no woman will want a crippled aged partner to start a family with, who can't play games with their children or work to provide for them, I can't even go in the sun, in fact I'm barely able to function, it really is ironic isn't it that the reason we took this drug was to feel free and now we are trapped forever, I'm sorry if I'm been negative I just can't see myself lasting 5 years not in this suffering its in humane. My heart bleeds when I read your pain, my love to all, Liam

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Please make an appointment with a bioidentical hormone specialist. I believe that the medication caused andropause largely destroys the testosterone your body and organs make. Low testosterone causes mostly the same affects we've all had. Headache, nausea, flu symptoms, lethargy, fatigue, not concentrating, muscle loss, loss of strength, digestion and libido. I went in and the doctor was great!! Super enthusiastic and really listened to my and my problems. I got blood work done quick then came in and he put a small cut on the top of my butt and put the pellets in so they time release and absorb better than gels or creams and no annoying needles every day. Please gives this a try. Or read the book Testosterone for Life. Check it out it may change your life!! I'm on day 4 and I'm less moody, my head and back and joints don't hurt, digestion is improving. Thank you!!

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I took accutane when I was 18. I have cystic acne. I had the hall mark symptoms of accutane(chapped/bleeding lips, face would flake and be like paper) and depression to boot. I was very active and in great shape. I will note I had knee problems when I was a child (Juvenile Arthritis was said but never confirmed). When I was 26 I messed up my back in a freak every day occurance. I had to quit my job and was found to have 3 slipped discs, none bad enough for surgery. I was getting in so much pain and so tired I was bed ridden for 3 months! I couldn't even use the bathroom without being in so much pain (back), I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Myofasical Syndrome in November of 2012 after having RA and Lupus ruled out. I was put on Cymbalta (horrible, worse than accutane) for my pain. I ended up having serotonin syndrome and they tried putting me on other medication (SSRIs and muscle relaxers) but come to find out through DNA testing I have a messed enzyme that counteracts this stuff (no knowledge on accutane). While I was on Cymbalta I gained 30lbs in 3 months. I suffer from all side effects of Hypothyroidism, but my levels come back normal. My mom has hypothyroidism was diagnosed about a year or two ago. I'm tired of hurting. I've had to quit 2 jobs because of it and the stress that comes with a job messes with my body. I love to work. I am fixing to start another full time job that isn't as physically demanding. I hope I can do it, but I want my life back. Tired of being tired and misunderstood. Thanks for your time, sorry for your suffering.

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I have been on accurate twice, once at 15 and again at 26. I did not finish the second round due to the side effects being worse than the first time around. I am now 32 and still have chronic cystic acne. Not only is it extremely embarrassing but the acne also can be really painful. I have been to doctor after doctor after doctor (dermatologists, gps and women's health) and they all want me to do accurate again. Even before reading this thread I have been worried about what my two rounds of it have done to my health long term. I have been on sooo many topicals, antibitiotics, retinoids, have tried laser treatment, chemical peels, have tried natural holistic remedies, and even tried eliminating gluten, dairy and sugar from my diet. Nothing works and I am at my wits' end. Are my only options suffering cystic acne forever (cause I am looooong past adolescence and my skin is never clear... Not even close) or an extremely toxic drug??

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Im very VERY sorry about the nightmare you and your son are enduring :(
I know what its like to wake up one day with a disfigured face from cystic acne. The depression and hit to ones self esteem is indescribable. I remember one day balling my eyes out in the passenger seat of the car while my dad drove, and looking up at him and saying,"I dont want to be ugly anymore." I could tell right then and there, looking at my hero and seeing tears well up in his eyes, just how much acne had taken over my life.

As soon as possible we scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist and without hesitation jumped on the accutane train.
After about 5 months my face was clearer and healthier then it had been in years, and my self confidence finally started to grow back piece by piece.

After about a year or so of basking in the glory of normality, my worst nightmare was realised.
My acne was relapsing, and the cysts were attempting to rebuild their lost domain.
After trying everything known to man to fight back, I again decided it was necassary to call in another bombardment of accutane, and after only a couple months my face was back and better then ever.....or so I thought :/
Although my acne problem was now solved, I had an entirely new battle to fight.
I had extreme anxiety due to my struggle with acne, and would have mild but enduring anxiety attacks.
Thats not what my problem was though.
Everytime Id have an anxiety attack, my face would turn tomato red, and would stay that way for what I remember being several hours.
I was so embarrased of looking like a walking fire hydrant that the embarrasment would just add fuel to the fire. It was a vicious cycle.

I went on this way for a couple years, slowly building the skills to cope with the anxiety and reduce my flare ups, until I enlisted in the army, and
it was the best thing to ever happen to me and my poor face. While I was in constant duress, running miles and miles everyday, I discovered a secret weapon..... And that secret weapon was sweating.
Not just sweating, but sweating from CARDIO.
The excercise combined with the fresh air and UV rays and constant hydration finally delivered me into a life without acne, without anxiety, and without the constant worry of when the next outbreak was coming.

We put so much emphasis these days on the quick route or the ,"Try this mask! Try this super quick method! Try this easy diet! Try this new FDA approved carcinogenic chemical!" That we've forgotten about the most important, yet most obvious tool we have to better ourselves both mentally, and physically, and that ladies and gentlemen.......... is excercise, and H2O. PERIOD.

Thanks a ton for reading!

--Veteran Combat Medic
--2x Accutane courses
--Tried everything EVER to win the war over Propionibacterium Acnes.

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Straight up this is a chemotherapy drug that changes cell differentiation and inhibits cell proliferation. This is a DNA game changer. Your immediate side effects will be the drying out of tissue. The long term effects are what cells in your body have stopped reproducing and those effects can take a long time to change and show. Look up the drug in cancer reports as that is what it was developed for. The only reason it was started for acne is that the doctors noticed it cleared the acne in their cancer patients. Just think about

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Has anyone tried drinking raw goat or cow's milk from small dairy farms?It's supposed to be amazing for IBS and Chrohns so maybe. I just started drinking it a week ago and am super hopeful it will help. Over time it is supposed to heal the body and digestive system.

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I honestly feel the same exact way you do. I took accutane when i was 15 yrs old, it cause redness and extreme dryness around my mouth and nose. I was extremely bi polor while on the medication. I took it for 6 months, 3 pills a day, not sure what the dosage was. I am 20 yrs old now, and i'm suffering with extreme emotional issues. I'm usually the type of person who is never angry, and since this medication, i have become CRAZY! My body becomes so overwhelmed, frustrated, and I act out in bizzare ways such as screaming and crying and hitting things. And while i'm in that moment i cant control anything its as if i black out. I'm super sensitive to a lot of things now. I even went through a phase where I cut my legs and felt suicidal, IM FAR FROM BEING THAT TYPE OF PERSON LIKE WTF. I also struggled with sleeping, and I still do, I've encountered many panic attacks while in deep sleep, I wake up fighting to catch my breath because i stop breathing, and theres been many times where i just simply can't fall asleep no matter how hard i try. I could just be a nut case, thats how i feel, but at the same time i was never like this before this medication. And being on that medication was hell.

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So sorry you're going through this. Have you talked to a professional? Counseling/Therapy? Hope you find relief.

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