Xanax Vs. Buspar (Page 13)


Yes-what is the major difference between these 2 meds? I have taken xanax for several years. I'm thinking abt. changing to Buspar. Can you switch meds like these without tapering off the xanax. Does Buspar help w/ Panic attacks?

295 Replies (15 Pages)

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True Xanax is more effective for fast relief, however ppl like myself with PTSD with constant anxiety buspirone is a way better choice. It's not an addictive drug and it helps better with PTSD symptoms such as anxiety and hyper vigilance. I take 15mg 3x a day of buspirone and it helps me to function like a normal human being.

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I have lupus connective tissue disease fibromyalgia fractured ruptured disc in my back my ribs are permantenly out have tremors leg and arm cramps only sleep few hrs a night been on Canada and diazepam going on bought three yrs now now my doctor won't prescribe them without a psychiatrist approval drove2 hrs for psychiatrist to say no way if you're taking pain meds can't prescribe benzos what can i do i have panic attacks and severe tremors and cramps is there any doctor who will my pain management use to until fda stepped in

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Yes!! I feel the same way. Being 60 years old and living in anxiety, trying to make ends meet and having GAD is miserable!! ". Good luck to us all!

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Quanto à fase de transição alprazolam/buspirona, somente o médico deve prescrever, tomei ambos,em tempos diferentes. A Buspirona embora seja de outra classe 'não benzodiazepínicos', considero o mais seguro de todos os ansiolíticos alopáticos, por ser leve e eficiente, não provoca dependência física e (ou) psicológica. O melhor é o da marca 'Ansitec' 10 mg. Já o Buspar, assim como o Buspanil, no Brasil, são praticamente inócuos,e devem ter menos de 10% do princípio ativo Buspirona. O efeito da Buspirona, 10 mg, se faz sentir, após 20 minutos à ingestão. São como 'pequenos choques' elétricos, na região pré- córtex cerebral, e adjacências. Aos poucos, seu efeito ansiolítico se manifesta de forma surpreendente; muitos preferem a Buspirona à Metaqualona, em longos períodos de pesquisas pré-lançamento desta substância no Comércio de medicamentos. Tem ainda a vantagem de ser o único 'ansiolítico', em que se pode fazer uso concomitante com bebidas alcoólicas, sem que isto venha a ser altamente desaconselhado. A combinação 'álcool - buspirona', provoca apenas sonolência, preservando outras 'faculdades mentais', portanto, não se deve fazer esta 'mistura', se for dirigir ou fazer tarefas que exijam atenção. Melhor é se abster de bebidas alcoólicas, caso não tenha a intenção de dormir, caso esta mistura seja feita. Não atrapalha a cognição, em baixas dosagens, e este tal 'choque sensação', se faz presente, mas não chega a incomodar; pelo contrário, é altamente relaxante.

Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):

As for the transition phase alprazolam / buspirone, only the doctor should prescribe, I took both, at different times. Although Buspirone is of another class 'non-benzodiazepines', I consider it to be the safest of all allopathic ansiolitics, because it is light and efficient, does not cause physical and (or) psychological dependence. The best is the brand 'Ansitec' 10 mg. Buspar, as well as Buspanil, in Brazil, are practically harmless, and should have less than 10% of the active principle Buspirone. The effect of Buspirone, 10 mg, is felt after 20 minutes of ingestion. They are like electrical 'small shocks', in the cerebral precortex region, and adjacencies. Gradually, its anxiolytic effect manifests itself surprisingly; many prefer Buspirone to Metaqualone in long periods of pre-launch research of this substance in the drug trade. It also has the advantage of being the only 'anxiolytic', in which it can be used concomitantly with alcoholic beverages, without this being highly advised against. The alcohol - buspirone combination causes only drowsiness, preserving other 'mental faculties', so you should not do this 'mixing' if you are driving or doing tasks that require attention. It is better to abstain from alcohol if you do not intend to sleep if this mixture is made. It does not disturb cognition, in low dosages, and this 'shock sensation', is present, but does not even bother; on the contrary, it is highly relaxing.

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I am post menaposal also. I've taken xanex for years with good results, but because of the pain meds I'm on the doc changed my script. Today is my1st day taking buspirone. I just feel relaxed. I'm reading all these posts hoping to learn what to expect. Like you, I am upset at not being able to get what I know to work.

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How are you doing now? I am in a similar situation. DESPERATLY WANT to get off benzo that is not working for me anymore.

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I think the drug manufactuers are cashing in on these new drugs that I see on TV that look to me like these drugs have the worst side effects of the benzos and opiates that I can't believe my eyes when I see these TV commercials. T feel like there is the biggest problem. Bring back the benzos and opiates for us people that suffer in agony every day. I open my eyes in the morning and think to myself, oh no, another day of hell. That is only if I sleep!

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I've been on 2mg of xanax,a,day since '88. And now they are taking me off, because of a lame excuse. Dementia. Really. Think I'd have it by now.and at 59 ,the good out wieghsome tbe bad. I don't understand why they will not just let me live out a normal life

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I was given a prescription for 2mg bars. They had the correct numbers on them, but this time I could not break them in sections. They are too thick. The effects last all day. I also experience side effects such as itchy bumps, burning sensations and headaches! What are these green bars? They s 90 3 on one side and nothing on the other side. Does anyone know what these green bars are?

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I agree I've had panic attacks for years it's in my family. Xanax is the only thing that helps when I get one. They took them away from me and put me on buspirone got so dizzy I couldn't work I only take Xanax when I need them I'm not a drug addict Why won't the dr's help me

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I take 20mgs of Buspar 2 times a day for anxietys. Previously i was on Colonopin for my anxietys, which i like it much better than the buspar. But once i started taking Buspar as prescribed i noticed i wasn't having as many anxiety/panic attacks. So i say yes Buspar works you just need a little bit of patience as it may take a while to feel its progress.

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This sounds awful! To take you off of a medication that stops the panic attacks seems inhuman to me. I see it too. My doctor is constantly trying to reduce my xanax. He put me on them when I was having severe panic attacks. He prescribed .50 4 times a day. Now 3 years later, he has cut me to .25 twice a day. I am managing but I can see a future without them and it frightens me. I wondered if Buspar would be a good alternative.

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Try to get off of Xanax there you will know you are addicted. I used to take them all the time. When I stopped, horror show.

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Yes I don't understand either. 2 mg./3×'s a day since 1988, and now they are or have taken me off.I need a life.panic and anxiety has always been in my family tree. Any help would be appreciated

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Hi, I suffer from severe anxiety,depression and ptsd. My new dr has decided to stop all my anxiety medication for she doesn't feel comfortable prescribing the valium and Xanax I was on. My anxiety is concidering personality change anxiety I go from normal to a completely different person if disrespected or felt wrongly treated. it's been untreated for most my life .my phycologist says that part the problem and having ptsd doesn't help the issue.
My doctor has decided to prescribe Buspar for my anxiety is this going to help me considering it is severe and have ptsd as well or is this just a joke medication that will just make things worse or not help at all?

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What has worked for you? I know mine is hormonal and I'm having trouble finding out what works. Many Drs don't want to test my hormone levels as they are always different.

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I have also taken both prescriptions and agree to the above said. Xanax works very well for me. Buspar to me was actually more of a tranquilizing medication Not a calming medication for anxiety.

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Just started taking busker hope it works for my anxiety. In my 50,s panic attacks where I just fall out. Docor put me on seizure meds don't have that.Duh some doctors just won't listen. That crap makes me sick.

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Imagine how much worse it is in guymon, Oklahoma where the Dr's all got in trouble for misusing their script pad and everyone in town had to go cold turkey from everything they were getting from their Dr. It hasn't been a good thing and addicts still have their drugs, ppl that have never been a recreational user are finding themselves dealing with some very shady people for some very stronger and scarier types of opiates which has never really been around here. I never heard about it growing up anyway not much but now people that you would never expect to do drugs are hooked on opiates because they are just being cast aside, forgotten and told to learn to live with it after they had been handled by the doctor. It's in the past so I didn't have to feel the pain because they made it so I wasn't in as much pain so my whole life they numbed my pain and didn't think I should have to feel it and now that I'm grown and you know I have had this my whole life they're telling me we made a mistake, entered a whole generation of people into Junkies, now don't do drugs, live with the pain you know. Don't step out of line as normal. Be well-adjusted and for God's sake learn how to live with the pain. You don't need a pill for everything even though we gave you a pill for everything. It's frustrating and I feel has set me up to where life was much harder for me because I expected someone to treat my pain because that's what they were doing back then and now all they're doing is saying you're sorry and treating them to dislike social outcast. It's really evil. He has made such an ugly thing only for people that are weak-minded or stupid which is it. Anyways it was really kind of you.

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Some people have chemical embalances.. it's not all trauma.

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