Will I Pass Urine Test After Smoking Crack?


If I last consumed on 10/4/2012, and have a urinalysis on 10/9/2012, will I pass? I have been trying to detox.

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Did you pass or not?

Crack, which is a form of Cocaine, is usually detectable in urine for approximately 5 days after use.

The precise time can vary from person to person, depending on your overall health, activity levels, fluid intake and etc. but 5 days is the average for most people.

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I used crack cocaine for two days and I have to take a urine drug test in ten days can I pass the test or is the drug still in my system?

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How do I pass a test for this drug in 3 days?

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if i had crack-cocaine today and i have a drug test in 9 days will i pass it?

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I have not consumed the drug in nine days. will I pass a urine test?

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if he's real difficult I just want to know what do I need to buy or how can I pass a urinalysis test in 4 or 5 days for crack. that's all I need to know...

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